At our congregational meeting on May 16, representatives of several groups presented a proposal for a “Memorial/Meditation Garden and Outdoor Worship Space,” in the context of a larger vision for the 3 acres of land we have on the north side of our property. Below are links to two presentations that were part of the May 16 meeting which provide additional context for this proposal as well as an overview of the goals and design.

- History of the Memorial Garden and Eco Friendly Practices Initiative.
- Proposal for Berkey Memorial-Mediation Garden and Outdoor Worship Space.
The time-frame for the
proposal is as follows:
- May 16, 2021 – proposal presented to the congregation.
- June and July – gather feedback from the congregation with listening sessions and guided tours of the property, envisioning the proposal.
- August – congregational vote on the proposal.
Please give your feedback to the members of the following committees and commissions:
–Stewardship and Finance Commission – Dale Snyder (chair), Dave Birky, Missy Schrock, Aaron Weiand, Richard Kauffman
–Memorial/Meditation Garden and Outdoor Worship Committee – Ruth Miller Roth (chair), Lindsy Diener-Locke, Roxanna Sommers, Mark Yoder, and Peter Shetler
–Spiritual Leadership Team – Shirley Dick (Congr. chair), Joe Leichty (SLT chair), Lisa Heinz, Lois Mast, Ruth Miller Roth, Mark Schloneger, Joanne Gallardo, Richard Kauffman