Sermon Archives

May 5, 2019

The Converting Community

Restrictions for the Gorham Subdivision; Goshen, Indiana; Recorded October 24, 1946 at ten o’clock AM. The following restrictions are incorporated into the Plat and are to be recorded as an integral part thereof, and the said plat is subject thereto.  All lots in the tracts shall be known and described as residential lots. . . […]

January 13, 2019

The Wall will Happen?

The WALL WILL happen. The Wall won’t happen.. And the debate about a Wall on the southern border of our nation keeps us stuck behind walls of hostility & resistance. We know we need appropriate boundaries to keep us safe and none of us wants to live in a house without walls, especially in the […]

September 3, 2017

Picking up the Cross: A Christian Response to Charlottesville

Several weeks ago I received an email inviting my participation in a counter-protest happening in Charlottesville, Virginia. People from a non-Mennonite faith community I was a part of in D.C. invited people of faith to a non-violent collective action to protest Neo-Nazis, alt-right supporters, and White nationalists gathering to respond to the city’s intent to […]