Sermon Archives

June 2, 2019

Family Ties that Bind

Over Memorial Day weekend I spent some time with Mennonite friends at a cabin on Lake Michigan. After the full disclosure about the mice problem and apologizing for no WiFi, I was reminded that “we are all family here.” And so the weekend progressed. Our lives were shared, jokes were made, and we participated in […]

January 6, 2019

…and the Glory of the Lord

We have survived the whole of Advent, Christmas Eve, Christmas, and even New Year’s Day. We sat in the darkness, waiting for the hope in the birth of a baby in a manger, a baby that would give light to nations. We spent time with our families, our friends, our coworkers, and even strangers. So […]

December 20, 2015

In the Flesh

During these Advent worship services, we’ve been dancing around with the idea of the Incarnation. “Incarnation” is a big word in theology that describes the coming together of God’s life and human life in the person of Jesus. We Christians believe that Jesus was a unique person—there wasn’t anyone like him before in history, and […]