Posted by admin You are invited to a gathering of local Lutheran and Mennonites for an informal conversation on our shared Christian witness on Sunday, July 21. Here is a brief description on behalf of event organizers Pastor John Hickey (Trinity Lutheran) and John D. Roth (Goshen College).
“The Relevance of Reconciliation: Mennonites and Lutherans in (Local) Conversation”: In 2010 the Lutheran World Federation and the Mennonite World Conference concluded a 5-year ecumenical dialogue with a service of mutual forgiveness and reconciliation. Even though important theological differences remain, both groups have committed themselves to a deeper understanding of our shared history and faith, and to seek ways of collaborating in local ministry wherever possible. On July 20-24 an international LWF/MWC task force will be meeting in Goshen to address commitments that our churches have made to each other. You are invited to join this group, along with local Lutheran/Mennonite pastors and lay people, for an informal conversation on Sunday, July 21, from 5:00-7:00 p.m. at Trinity Lutheran Church (202 S. Greene Road, Goshen). A light supper will be provided. All are welcome to attend! No registration is necessary, but as we prepare for the supper it would be nice to know if you are planning to attend. Kindly RSVP to John D. Roth at