Sermon Archives

Steph Wieand
April 16, 2023

The In Between

The In Between

The eleven disciples went to Galilee. Eleven. I usually breeze past this part, but let’s slow down a bit. Imagine the state of this group. What had transpired the last few days was certainly close at heart for each of them. Even their group has changed. One of them is missing. And Jesus has been […]

March 19, 2023

What the World is Like: Fear and Courage

What the World is Like: Fear and Courage

There was once a community center that served many in the community. It was a place where children came to play after school and programs were available for helping with homework and even finances. It was a place for fun, for building relationships, and of safety. One person lovingly called it the jewel of the […]

February 12, 2023

Encountering the Lord’s Prayer

Encountering the Lord's Prayer

Many of us have known and recited the Lord’s Prayer for much of our lives. It’s one of the most well-known passages from the New Testament. And it has been prayed by Christians around the world for generations and generations. Last semester I had the opportunity to encounter this text in a new way.  First, I […]

January 8, 2023

Beloved Kingdom Bearers

Beloved Kingdom Bearers

I never much liked John the Baptist. He’s all repent, and you brood of vipers, and Jesus is coming with a winnowing fork. Barbara Brown Taylor likens him to a Doberman pinscher and I can see her point. He’s just kind of up in your face, and that’s not really my style. I have a […]

May 15, 2022

Let it Be With Me

Let it Be With Me

During the time of discernment before deciding to go to begin seminary, I kept encountering passages and even whole sermons on ‘do not fear’.  Now, this theme pops up quite a bit in the Bible. I’ve heard this phrase is present around 365 times, one for every day of the year. But encountering the command […]

January 23, 2022

Sabbath Resting

Sabbath Resting

Jesus says, “Come to me, all you that are weary and are carrying heavy burdens, and I will give you rest.” Who among us is not weary these days and in need of rest? A word that comes to mind for me, and I’ve heard others say the same, is EXHAUSTED. We, collectively, are exhausted. […]

November 14, 2021

Seeking Wholeness

Seeking Wholeness

In August I attended a school board meeting for Goshen schools at the new Intermediate building, right down the street from here. I had assumed that a top priority of people attending the meeting would be to discuss our kids’ safety at school while the pandemic was raging and there was no mask mandate in […]

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