Sermon Archives

Steph Wieand
June 2, 2024

Courageous Obedience

Courageous Obedience

This week I spent my days doing two main things. During the beginning of the week and last week, I have been studying the book of Daniel, which will be part of our focus for our summer series that we are beginning today. And then on Friday and Saturday I was on a retreat with […]

May 5, 2024

The Practice of Love

The Practice of Love

I’ve had the privilege of being part of a couple of baptism classes here at Berkey. And I have to say- what a privilege. All three of us pastors are so grateful for the time we get to spend with young people exploring their faith and considering baptism. We are grateful for their honesty and […]

February 25, 2024

Lessons On The Road

Lessons On The Road

I’m wondering if any of you have ever seen a group of preschoolers on a field trip, maybe at the zoo or a museum, holding on to one of those ropes that is meant to keep them all together or moving in the same direction? Can you picture it? If I were a preschool teacher, […]

January 28, 2024

The Risks of Healing

The Risks of Healing

Awhile back, we visited my brother and his family at their home near San Francisco. And we decided to tour Alcatraz island, now a national park with many of the prison buildings still intact and open for viewing. Honestly, I wasn’t super pumped about a prison tour, but it included a ferry ride in the […]

December 17, 2023

Divine Inbreaking

Divine Inbreaking

Thousands of people killed at the hands of the powerful. Buildings, houses, and towns destroyed Revolts crushed mercilessly Massive displacement Pregnant women with no place to give birth- no room in the hospital, or neighbors homes, or the inn Occupation Poverty Oppression This is a heavy place to begin. And maybe not something we want […]

November 26, 2023

Communal Formation

Communal Formation

A modern-day parable about the formation of a community- Aunt Chip and the Great Triple Creek Dam Affair, by Patricia Polacco… What grabs me most when it comes to formation is this first page. “No one could remember a time when there wasn’t a TV in every home. Nor could they remember when they weren’t […]

October 8, 2023

Mutual Faithfulness

Mutual Faithfulness

What a joy to engage the book of Ruth together this week. I’m drawn to the fact that it is through mutual relationship that Naomi and Ruth experience redemption in this story. God is less of a notable character here, but God’s presence is felt through other people. So what does that mutual relationship look […]

September 10, 2023

Inauspicious Openings

Inauspicious Openings

This summer at Mennonite Convention I went to an excellent workshop by Michelle Hershberger, Bible and Ministry professor at Hesston College. Senper was also at this one with me and I know some of our youth enjoyed her other workshops. Michelle was sharing about Hesston’s work on teaching biblical literacy through focusing on the big […]

June 25, 2023

Abundant Mercy

Abundant Mercy

Psalm 51 is a prayer of confession. And in my experience, we don’t emphasize confession a lot, but I think confession can be very fertile ground. Years ago, I encountered a form of prayer that I actually think might have changed my life. It was called a Welcome prayer. A simple form of the welcome […]

May 14, 2023

A Glimmer of Hope

A Glimmer of Hope

We have all been there before- you know, sitting around, chatting with family and friends, and someone mentions a current event, something in the news, maybe a recent political update that isn’t too uplifting. Violence in Sudan; a mall shooting in Texas; wildfires, floods, and landslides; One comment leads to another and before you know […]

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