Sermon Archives

Mark Schloneger
November 5, 2023

Alone Together

Alone Together

All Saints’ Day reminds us that we are not alone, that God’s presence is both in the pillar of fire and in the pillar of cloud (of witnesses) that surround us, and that the Spirit’s voice is often heard in the living testimonies of those who have died before us.

October 15, 2023

God in Place

God in Place

What we remember is embedded in places, things, and monuments, and their physical existence reinforces those memories. Therefore, wherever we are gathered in the memory of Christ, there is the place of God.

October 1, 2023



When Jesus was asked about the greatest commandment in all of the law, he first responded with words from Deuteronomy 6:4-5. Those words are part of a prayer called the Shema, and observant Jews pray them twice a day: “Hear, O Israel, the Lord is our God; the Lord is one. You shall love the […]

September 17, 2023

The Wrestler Unmasked

The Wrestler Unmasked

Could it be that we are Jacob — away from our home, away from our family, away from ourselves, and carrying in one of our pockets a future that we grasped by the heel but was never meant for us? Who are we? What is our story? Where is our place? Why are we here?

August 27, 2023

Postcards from the Psalms

Postcards from the Psalms

As a way to connect Berkey’s summer worship series with his summer of sabbatical, Mark intersperses verses from the psalms that were read during Sunday morning services with vignettes that come from his sabbatical.

April 30, 2023

Rooted and Grounded, Known and Loved

Rooted and Grounded, Known and Loved

Pastor Mark shares about the sabbatical project and what that will mean both for him personally and for Berkey.

April 23, 2023

The Us and Them

The Us and Them

The story of Peter having the vision of clean and unclean animals and ultimately being led to Cornelius’ house. To Peter and other Jewish believers, God’s call for Israel to be holy was to be symbolized in the everyday acts of eating. However, through both his vision and subsequent witness of God pouring out the […]

April 2, 2023


March 5, 2023

The Economy of Grace

The Economy of Grace

I think Jesus told this parable to get under his disciples’ skin a bit. I think he told it not only to teach us about what the kingdom of heaven is like but about what this world is like and what we are like. The world sees strength, power, intelligence and wealth and rewards it. […]

February 19, 2023

Let It Be

Let It Be

Faithfulness, at its essence, is not the quest for a mystical experience, an experience that takes us out of the here and now. Faith does not equal a feeling of transcendence.  Faith means following Jesus, trusting that what lies ahead is even greater than what has already been experienced. You see, you can spend your […]

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