Sermon Archives

May 8, 2022

Healing Faith

Healing Faith

Those widows, they’re not new to grief. No, they would tell you, they’ve been here before. They know the rituals, and so they simply did what needed to be done. They gathered together, they washed the body, and they placed it upstairs. But all of that, it doesn’t really help if you’re still in shock, […]

April 17, 2022

The Art of Resurrection: From Certainty to Openness

The Art of Resurrection: From Certainty to Openness

On Friday, Good Friday, many of us gathered in this very space. Together, we said: Look and see the shadow of sin. Look and see the weight of the world. Look and see the suffering of our savior. Look and see the sorrow of Jesus Christ. We sang hymns. We prayed to our forgiving, reconciling, […]

April 3, 2022

From Scarcity to Abundance

From Scarcity to Abundance

A number of years ago, I attended a church leadership retreat at Camp Amigo in Sturgis, Michigan. On our second day there, we were invited to an extended time of silence. There were different stations set up for us to pray and to reflect, but we were told to use that time as we wished. […]

March 27, 2022

From Exceptionalism to Inclusion or Will the Real Prodigal Please Stand Up?

From Exceptionalism to Inclusion or Will the Real Prodigal Please Stand Up?

When I was 15 I started to rebel against my parents. I thought they were too strict, so I pushed against their boundaries. One hot, July night I went out with some friends. They didn’t want me to go, but I did anyway. We didn’t do anything really bad. We were just boys being boys, […]

March 20, 2022

From Earning to Receiving

From Earning to Receiving

Luke, chapter 13, tells the story of when some people came up to Jesus and told him about a group of Galileans who were brutally murdered by Pilate, their blood spread on the offerings that they were bringing to God. Jesus had been teaching about God’s love and forgiveness. He also had been teaching about […]

March 13, 2022

From Privilege to Cruciformity

From Privilege to Cruciformity

Many of you here know of Michael “MJ” Sharp, I assume. He spent part of his growing up years in Goshen and went to Bethany Christian High School, where he had a bit of a reputation as a trouble-maker. But he was very smart and had an expansive vision of what he wanted to do […]

March 6, 2022

From Security to Generosity

From Security to Generosity

On Wednesday evening — Ash Wednesday evening, I received a mark of ashes on my forehead in the shape of a cross, just like the one I’m wearing now. As I received it, I was told these words, just these words: “Mark, from dust you’ve come, and to dust you shall return.”

February 27, 2022

The Greatness of God

The Greatness of God

Soon after I began my ministry years ago, I participated in a retreat at Spruce Lake Camp in the Pocono Mountains in northeastern Pennsylvania. The retreat was for both adult and youth leaders of youth groups. It was such a spiritually  stimulating event that one high school youth went to the retreat leaders to tell […]

February 20, 2022

How to Have Enemies

How to Have Enemies

When my sister Tricia was three years old, she got in an argument with Heather, another three-year-old. They were on the stoop outside our front door, and Heather, well, Heather pushed Tricia down. Tricia was shocked that Heather would resort to such brutality, and she immediately got up, came into the house, and told all […]

February 13, 2022

Time for Celebration

Time for Celebration

Here’s a question for you to ponder: did God command Sabbath-keeping because the Sabbath is good? Or is it good because God commanded it? Think on that! Some years ago I had a one-semester sabbatical. We were originally going to Oxford, England, but at the last minute our housing fell through. So we had to […]

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