Step up, God!
Richard A. Kauffman
There are more laments in Psalms than any other kind of Psalm. These laments express many emotions, from grief and sorrow to anger and rage. They give us permission to cry out to God in times of distress or depression. Many of us have laments to share. In this sermon Richard shares a family story […]
Abundant Mercy
Steph Wieand
Psalm 51 is a prayer of confession. And in my experience, we don’t emphasize confession a lot, but I think confession can be very fertile ground. Years ago, I encountered a form of prayer that I actually think might have changed my life. It was called a Welcome prayer. A simple form of the welcome […]
God’s Tenacious Solidarity
Richard A. Kauffman
Paul reminds us that the well-being of the earth and our well-being as humans living in this world are inextricably tied together. Both the world and we eagerly await our redemption at God’s final triumph. Meanwhile, God helps us in our weaknesses, and God even comes to the rescue when we don’t even know what […]
A Glimmer of Hope
Steph Wieand
We have all been there before- you know, sitting around, chatting with family and friends, and someone mentions a current event, something in the news, maybe a recent political update that isn’t too uplifting. Violence in Sudan; a mall shooting in Texas; wildfires, floods, and landslides; One comment leads to another and before you know […]
The Us and Them
Mark Schloneger
The story of Peter having the vision of clean and unclean animals and ultimately being led to Cornelius’ house. To Peter and other Jewish believers, God’s call for Israel to be holy was to be symbolized in the everyday acts of eating. However, through both his vision and subsequent witness of God pouring out the […]
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