Sermon Archives

September 17, 2023

The Wrestler Unmasked

The Wrestler Unmasked

Could it be that we are Jacob — away from our home, away from our family, away from ourselves, and carrying in one of our pockets a future that we grasped by the heel but was never meant for us? Who are we? What is our story? Where is our place? Why are we here?

September 10, 2023

Inauspicious Openings

Inauspicious Openings

This summer at Mennonite Convention I went to an excellent workshop by Michelle Hershberger, Bible and Ministry professor at Hesston College. Senper was also at this one with me and I know some of our youth enjoyed her other workshops. Michelle was sharing about Hesston’s work on teaching biblical literacy through focusing on the big […]

August 27, 2023

Postcards from the Psalms

Postcards from the Psalms

As a way to connect Berkey’s summer worship series with his summer of sabbatical, Mark intersperses verses from the psalms that were read during Sunday morning services with vignettes that come from his sabbatical.

August 13, 2023

Living with Contradiction

Living with Contradiction

Mary reflects on the very different tone found in Psalm 91 and Psalm 88 and invites us to embrace contradiction within and around us.

August 6, 2023

Consider This

Consider This
July 23, 2023

Songs for the Road

Songs for the Road
July 2, 2023

Step up, God!

Step up, God!

There are more laments in Psalms than any other kind of Psalm. These laments express many emotions, from grief and sorrow to anger and rage. They give us permission to cry out to God in times of distress or depression. Many of us have laments to share. In this sermon Richard shares a family story […]

June 25, 2023

Abundant Mercy

Abundant Mercy

Psalm 51 is a prayer of confession. And in my experience, we don’t emphasize confession a lot, but I think confession can be very fertile ground. Years ago, I encountered a form of prayer that I actually think might have changed my life. It was called a Welcome prayer. A simple form of the welcome […]

June 18, 2023

Enough Is Enough

Enough Is Enough

Our lives are shaped to a large degree by our desires. Desire isn’t the problem necessarily. Desiring the wrong thing or too much of a good thing is. Our desires can only ultimately be fulfilled in God, the God of the church, the world, the earth. Which brings us to worship, to God, to praise […]

June 4, 2023

In the Shadow of Your Wings I Sing for Joy

In the Shadow of Your Wings I Sing for Joy

The Psalmist for today’s scripture had a deep craving for God. One that is answered and gives comfort and fortitude. In our age of distraction the Psalmist can help remind us to allow for moments of Deep longing for God.

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