Sermon Archives

January 21, 2024

Stories for Revolutionaries

Stories for Revolutionaries
January 7, 2024

The Newness and Nowness of God’s Reign

The Newness and Nowness of God’s Reign
December 31, 2023

The Declaration of Independence

The Declaration of Independence
December 17, 2023

Divine Inbreaking

Divine Inbreaking

Thousands of people killed at the hands of the powerful. Buildings, houses, and towns destroyed Revolts crushed mercilessly Massive displacement Pregnant women with no place to give birth- no room in the hospital, or neighbors homes, or the inn Occupation Poverty Oppression This is a heavy place to begin. And maybe not something we want […]

December 10, 2023


December 3, 2023



What do we say, how do we respond,when we find ourselves at a place where God seems distant and God’s promises seem empty? What do we say, how do we respond, when we feel God’s absence, God’s hiddenness? Isaiah gives us the words, and maybe it’s not surprising that those words are contained in a […]

November 26, 2023

Communal Formation

Communal Formation

A modern-day parable about the formation of a community- Aunt Chip and the Great Triple Creek Dam Affair, by Patricia Polacco… What grabs me most when it comes to formation is this first page. “No one could remember a time when there wasn’t a TV in every home. Nor could they remember when they weren’t […]

November 19, 2023

Mind the Flip

Mind the Flip
November 5, 2023

Alone Together

Alone Together

All Saints’ Day reminds us that we are not alone, that God’s presence is both in the pillar of fire and in the pillar of cloud (of witnesses) that surround us, and that the Spirit’s voice is often heard in the living testimonies of those who have died before us.

October 29, 2023

Camping with God

Camping with God

All of creation carries the Divine DNA. Our experiences in the natural world illuminate our understanding of scripture, and our experiences in scripture illuminate our understanding of nature. We need both to know the fullness of God. Can we think of God “being us” and everything around us both in the Biblical narrative and the […]

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