Sermon Archives

March 24, 2013

With Christ in our Eyes

One day many years ago in Columbus, Ohio, I was down on my hands and knees in the entryway of our church building, installing ceramic tiles. I was dressed in old, tattered clothes. My hands and blue jeans were smeared with grey mortar. Around mid‐morning, Moises walked into the building. Moises was a Colombian man […]

March 17, 2013


During Lent we’ve been playing with the theme of honor and shame in various biblical passages. Our purpose has been to explore how God honors us, especially through the person of Christ; and how we in turn give honor to God. The text in front of us this morning is an eye‐popping passage. Paul plays […]

March 10, 2013

A Kiss of Peace

We already know what this parable means, right? We say this parable is about a foolish son who grabs his inheritance early, then wastes the money on prostitutes and other stupid expenses. The “prodigal” son, we call him, even though that word prodigal is not in Luke’s text. “Prodigal” because he’s wasteful and extravagant, because […]

March 3, 2013

Ashamed No More: Invitation, Challenge and Grace

Stories of war, disaster, tragedy fill our newspapers and news channels. Innocent people dying from drone attacks, school shootings, and suicide bombers. Intentional acts of violence targeting innocent and not‐soinnocent people alike. It is disheartening to listen to the news or read the newspaper. And yet, there’s also a part of human nature that wants […]

February 24, 2013

Humiliation to Glory

In this part of Philippians, Paul says Jesus Christ is a “Savior.” We and other Christians in the world often say Jesus is our Savior. It’s one of our favorite ways of talking about Jesus. “Jesus saved me from my sins,” we might say, “and he can save you from your sins too.” Through his […]

February 17, 2013

Honoring God

I grew up on a dairy farm, where one of our favorite pastimes was talking about neighboring farmers. We told stories about the three Schalliol brothers who lived on the farms north of us. We talked about the Vandecaers who lived on the next farm east of us. We chatted about the Hahns and Hunsbergers […]

February 3, 2013

A Larger God

One Sunday morning last summer while on vacation, I visited another church not far from here. This isn’t a Mennonite church, but a church that belongs to another denomination. I had never been to this church before, so my first decision was how to dress—in particular, whether or not to wear a tie. I decided […]

January 27, 2013

Christ Caring for People through People

Each Wednesday evening, for the last 5 months, 6 Stephen Minister trainees and 2 Stephen Leaders have been meeting together here at the church to learn about Stephen Ministry. You’ve already met 5 of them earlier in the service. Twila Leichty is also part of this group, but was unable to be here this morning. […]

January 13, 2013

Praying with Isaiah 43


Instead of a sermon, we want to introduce you today to one way of praying with the Bible. Most churches, whether Mennonite, Baptist, Lutheran, or something else, assume two things about good church-going Christians. First, they assume good church-going Christians already know how to pray. And second, good church-going Christians pray frequently throughout the week. […]

January 6, 2013

Defending the Poor

I don’t know how it is for you, but sometimes when I read the Bible I get tired of all its talk about justice, righteousness, and peace. Throughout the English Bible, the word “justice” pops up 147 times, the word “righteousness” 241 times, and the word “peace” 256 times. Usually these three words appear in […]

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