The One Whom God Helps
Dan Schrock
This morning I want to talk about dogs. Not just any dogs, but the dogs in this parable. It turns out that the dogs have an important role in this story—and when we properly understand the role of the dogs, a doorway opens to understand the parable more clearly. When Americans think about dogs, they […]
A Generous God Whose Love Knows No Limits
Marilyn Rudy-Froese
This parable is known by a couple of titles: The Dishonest Steward, and The Shrewd Manager. The commentaries are consistent on one point about this parable: that it is the most difficult one that Jesus told! After that, they go off in a variety of directions and interpretations. And who can blame them, for Luke […]
Dan Schrock
Today the gospel of Luke confronts us with some very difficult words of Jesus. Jesus sounds as though he’s come to bust up the nuclear family: 51Do you think that I have come to bring peace to the earth? No, I tell you, but rather division! 52From now on five in one household will be […]
Refocusing on the Present Moment
Dan Schrock
I had a friend who was afraid most of the time. When he and I strolled together on the sidewalk, he’d sometimes open up and tell me about all the things he was afraid of. One winter morning when we were out walking, he admitted he was afraid the cold temperatures would kill off all […]
Rich, But Not Distracted
Dan Schrock
Most sermons on this passage in Luke offer the same basic interpretation, more or less. That basic interpretation runs something like this: Be generous with your wealth! Don’t be like the fool in this parable, who one day decided to hoard his bumper crops. But because he died that same night, he never got to […]
Giving It Our Full Attention
Dan Schrock
Several years ago an American newspaper reporter flew to Paris. After arriving at the airport and collecting his luggage, he found a cab to take him to his hotel. During the ride in the cab, he and the cabbie collectively did six things. The cabbie was driving the cab, of course. But he also had […]
Dan Schrock
The parable of the good Samaritan might be Jesus’ most famous parable. If you interviewed random people on the sidewalks of downtown Goshen and asked them whether they know Jesus’ parable of the alert slaves in Luke 12:35‐40, they’ll probably stammer around a bit, then admit they don’t know that parable. But if you ask […]
Citizens of God’s Kingdom
Marilyn Rudy-Froese
I’ve been thinking about hospitality and citizenship this past week. Monday was Canada Day, the day when Canadians celebrate Canada’s birthday. Thursday was the 4th of July, the day when Americans celebrate their independence. I’ve been following the convention in Phoenix, knowing the youth would be sharing about their experience this morning. The convention theme […]
Witnesses to the Truth
Jonathan Neufeld
Up until June of 2010 there had been 20 perfect games in the recorded history of major league baseball. A perfect game is one in which no runner from the opposing team reaches first base safely. Every opposing batter is retired—27 outs in a row. Up until June of 2010, only twenty pitchers in major […]
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