Sermon Archives

October 20, 2013

Prayer, Justice and Persistent Hope

When she learned of the death threats against her, Malala Yousafzai thought about how she would respond if a Talib came to kill her. She first thought she would hit him with her shoe, but then she thought, “If you hit a Talib, then there would be no difference between you and the Talib. You […]

October 13, 2013

A Fuller Vision

In high school I didn’t know much about trees. I was around them all the time but I didn’t understand them. We lived on a farm in those days, with maple, catalpa, an ash trees growing around our house. I saw them every day. I admired their stately trunks and glorious leaves, their ability to […]

October 6, 2013

The Gifts of Lament

One evening, you and your spouse are caravanning back home from a soccer game. You and your spouse are driving separate vehicles because each of you went to the soccer game right after work. During the trip home after the game, your spouse is up ahead while you follow in the rear. As your spouse […]

September 29, 2013

The One Whom God Helps

This morning I want to talk about dogs. Not just any dogs, but the dogs in this parable. It turns out that the dogs have an important role in this story—and when we properly understand the role of the dogs, a doorway opens to understand the parable more clearly. When Americans think about dogs, they […]

September 22, 2013

A Generous God Whose Love Knows No Limits

This parable is known by a couple of titles: The Dishonest Steward, and The Shrewd Manager. The commentaries are consistent on one point about this parable: that it is the most difficult one that Jesus told! After that, they go off in a variety of directions and interpretations. And who can blame them, for Luke […]

August 18, 2013


Today the gospel of Luke confronts us with some very difficult words of Jesus. Jesus sounds as though he’s come to bust up the nuclear family: 51Do you think that I have come to bring peace to the earth? No, I tell you, but rather division! 52From now on five in one household will be […]

August 11, 2013

Refocusing on the Present Moment

I had a friend who was afraid most of the time. When he and I strolled together on the sidewalk, he’d sometimes open up and tell me about all the things he was afraid of. One winter morning when we were out walking, he admitted he was afraid the cold temperatures would kill off all […]

August 4, 2013

Rich, But Not Distracted

Most sermons on this passage in Luke offer the same basic interpretation, more or less. That basic interpretation runs something like this: Be generous with your wealth! Don’t be like the fool in this parable, who one day decided to hoard his bumper crops. But because he died that same night, he never got to […]

July 28, 2013

Praying with What Distracts Us

Praying with What Distracts Us

One day not long ago I sat down to pray for 20 minutes. On this particular day, I sat in my black leather chair in my study at home. First I took a minute or two to slow down and become more aware of God’s presence which is always around us and through us, closer […]

July 21, 2013

Giving It Our Full Attention

Several years ago an American newspaper reporter flew to Paris. After arriving at the airport and collecting his luggage, he found a cab to take him to his hotel. During the ride in the cab, he and the cabbie collectively did six things. The cabbie was driving the cab, of course. But he also had […]

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