Sermon Archives

August 24, 2014

A Search for Security

In the story of Ruth and Naomi, the overarching concern is for economic security, and its close cousin, food security. When their husbands die in chapter 1, Naomi and Ruth lose the income their husbands had brought into the household. With fewer economic resources, Naomi and Ruth are now more vulnerable to poverty and hunger. […]

August 17, 2014

Behind the Scenes

A while back I was listening to a man vent his frustrations about God. “I get so frustrated trying to relate to God!” this man exclaimed. “God is much harder to communicate with than anyone else I know. When I want to communicate with people, I go and visit them, phone them, email them, or […]

August 10, 2014

Love in Action

“In the days when the judges ruled….” Right away, this little book of Ruth begins with a whole lot of trouble. In the days when the judges ruled, there was a lot of trouble in the land of Israel. After Joshua died, another generation grew up after him, who did not know the Lord or […]

July 27, 2014

A Time for Everything

A Time for Everything

Ecclesiastes is an unusual book of the Bible. It covers everything in life with bluntness, humor, and questioning. If you are an individual of doubt, then you could read this book. Here is some background information from the NRSV Harper Collins Study Bible (c1989, 986-988).  Ecclesiastes stems from the ancient Greek translation of the Hebrew […]

July 20, 2014

The Wheat and Weeds

Since I have been living in Illinois, I’ve been hanging out with a group of Catholic young adults in an attempt to finds friends in a new city. The local parish held an event on Wednesdays in June called Theology on tap. Young adults get together for supper and listen to a speaker present on […]

July 13, 2014

Wild Hope

It is perhaps fitting that our 2 scripture texts use images of nature, planting, sowing and growth, after the events of the last couple weeks. On the one hand, we experienced the damaging effects of the wind and the many hours of cleaning up after it! And on the other hand, we have a wonderful […]

July 6, 2014

The Divine Referee and the Ultimate Goal

Growing up in Indiana back in the 50’s and ‘60’s, it was almost assumed that boys learned to play basketball.  So my Dad taught my brother and me how to play basketball–not only how to shoot the basketball but how to play defense as well.  I was told that when defending against your opponent, you […]

June 22, 2014

What The Preacher Said

“In consolation, remember desolation. In desolation, remember consolation.” A great paradox; and this too sounds as though it is from Eccl., although it’s not. Ecclesiastes is full of paradox, contradictions, ambiguities that have long left readers puzzled. The writer seeks wisdom, knowing it is better to be wise than foolish, yet the wise and the […]

June 1, 2014

Promises, Promises

For my husband, Brian, and myself, 2014 has felt a bit like being repeatedly kicked in the shins. On January seventh, after ten years at his job, Brian was rather unceremoniously “let go.” Watching a husband who had invested, and sacrificed so much of himself for a company who so easily dismissed him was painful […]

May 25, 2014

Children of God, Members of One Body

I’ve been thinking a lot about what it means to be the church lately. Perhaps it’s because there are denomination-wide discussions on what it means to be the church together, even when we disagree; perhaps it’s related to the fact that I’m currently enrolled in an AMBS online course on Anabaptist polity–the structures we have […]

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