Sermon Archives

May 17, 2015

Forbearing with Others in the Church


This summer in Kansas City, delegates to our denominational convention will discuss five resolutions. The first resolution talks about our opposition to sexual violence, the second talks about our hope for peace in Israel-Palestine, and the third talks about what it means for American Mennonites to live in a country that uses drones to make […]

April 19, 2015

What Kind of House?

What Kind of House?

This is the last sermon in our series on membership, mutual accountability and belonging. The Spiritual Leadership Team began having conversations about membership last fall, and this worship series grew out of those conversations. Since you may not remember the first 2 sermons, let me just re-cap briefly what they were about. You can go […]

April 5, 2015

Meditation for Easter

There’s a detail about this story that always intrigues me. It’s this: Mary doesn’t recognize Jesus the first time she sees him. This is interesting because she had spent lots of time with him during his ministry. She knew the way his eyes twinkled when he told stories. She was familiar with the way his […]

March 29, 2015

Learning from the Death of Jesus

In this series on death and dying, we’ve thought theologically about funerals, explored the pathway of grief, heard stories of loss and thought about responding to loss, and last Sunday, named some ways to prepare for our own dying. One important topic still remains for us, and that’s to think a little today about how […]

March 22, 2015

Getting Ready to Die

I once knew a man who did not die well. This man had a terminal illness, but instead of admitting to himself and others that he was going to die, he acted like he was going to live for decades to come. For example, he left the apartment he had been renting and went out […]

March 15, 2015

Responding to Loss

It is hard to know what to do with loss, whether the loss is our own, or someone else’s. We can feel overwhelmed by loss, and overwhelmed by the cumulative effect of loss. We can respond to loss in a variety of ways; we can become bitter about how life has treated us, or entrenched […]

March 1, 2015

Grieving Well

On November 11, 1971, my grandmother was killed in a traffic accident. At dusk that evening, she was driving a tractor with a wagon attached behind the tractor. A drunken man, traveling about 60 miles an hour in a zone marked for 40 miles an hour, crashed his car into the back of her wagon. […]

February 22, 2015

The Ritual of Remembering: Funerals and Memorial Services

Today we begin the season of Lent, and we also begin a worship series on the rituals of loss and remembrance; a series on death and dying. You might be asking: Why a death and dying series for Lent? There are a number of reasons we are doing this. One reason for this series is […]

February 8, 2015

On the Way

One Sunday a few years ago when I was on vacation, I visited another congregation here in Goshen. The congregation I visited was in the middle of a summer series on faith stories where each Sunday a different person from the congregation told their own faith history. On the Sunday of my visit, the person […]

February 1, 2015

Questions about Membership

Today Marilyn and I begin a series of three sermons on the topic of church membership and belonging. We’re doing this series with the encouragement of Berkey’s Spiritual Leadership Team, which is a group of five elders who work with our congregation’s mission, vision, and pastoral staff. Last fall the Spiritual Leadership Team, or SLT […]

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