Sermon Archives

February 22, 2015

The Ritual of Remembering: Funerals and Memorial Services

Today we begin the season of Lent, and we also begin a worship series on the rituals of loss and remembrance; a series on death and dying. You might be asking: Why a death and dying series for Lent? There are a number of reasons we are doing this. One reason for this series is […]

February 8, 2015

On the Way

One Sunday a few years ago when I was on vacation, I visited another congregation here in Goshen. The congregation I visited was in the middle of a summer series on faith stories where each Sunday a different person from the congregation told their own faith history. On the Sunday of my visit, the person […]

February 1, 2015

Questions about Membership

Today Marilyn and I begin a series of three sermons on the topic of church membership and belonging. We’re doing this series with the encouragement of Berkey’s Spiritual Leadership Team, which is a group of five elders who work with our congregation’s mission, vision, and pastoral staff. Last fall the Spiritual Leadership Team, or SLT […]

January 25, 2015

Singleness and the Church

If you’re on Facebook you know how it works – you find something interesting – an article, a picture, whatever -­‐ and you share it on your wall for your friends to see. A little over a year ago I read a blog post by Christena Cleveland entitled “Singled Out: How Churches Can Embrace Unmarried […]

January 18, 2015

Praying that We May be One

Today we are observing Mennonite World Conference Sunday. The worldwide movement of Mennonites is extremely diverse, with 243 national groups of churches around the globe. This diversity of Mennonites also holds true in Canada and the U.S. where there are a total of 42 distinct Mennonite groups. The Mennonite Church USA to which we belong […]

January 11, 2015

Location, Location, Location

Location, location, location. If you are in the market for a place to live, that is the song of the realtors. That has certainly been a factor for us both times we’ve bought a house. Thinking about work and school, and the proximity of those to where we lived was, and is, really important. Of […]

January 4, 2015

The Refugee

I’d like you to meet Rose Kingston. Rose Kingston lives in New York City, but that’s not where she was born. In fact, Rose was not born anywhere in the United States. She was born in Monrovia, Liberia, where she and her family once lived comfortably and safely. Rose’s mother worked as a secretary in […]

December 28, 2014

The Threat

Who would have thought that Mary would pose a threat to Herod? King Herod was one of the great men of the world. His father was Antipater, a man who had lots of wealth and influence. His mother was a Nabataean princess. He was born in 73 BCE and died in March or April in […]

December 21, 2014

Theologian of the Possible

Mary’s words in this passage of scripture are hard for us to hear. This short passage has been set to music and sung more often than maybe any other passage of scripture in Christian history. If you pick up a book of morning and evening prayers, this passage is often featured prominently in the daily […]

December 14, 2014


If something really wonderful happened to you, who is the first person you would want to share the news with? Suppose you were offered a new job in a better organization for more pay. Who would you call up first and tell the news to? Or suppose you won a lottery to have solar panels […]

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