Sermon Archives

August 23, 2015

The Disappearing Jesus

The children lined the doorways leading into the delegate hall on the day the 2 resolutions related to same-sex inclusion were to be discussed and voted on. As we approached the doors, they handed us these pieces of paper, with their handprints on them and the message, “We are praying for you!” I knew this […]

August 16, 2015

The Uncontrollable Spirit

For a long time Jenny and I have had this anxious little game we play when we come back home from being away on vacation. As we turn into our neighborhood we ask each other: “Will our house still be there? What if it burned down while we were gone, or a windstorm blew a […]

August 9, 2015

The Spirit and the Eunuch

Today I continue with our series on the Holy Spirit. So far we’ve noted the Spirit’s work in the grand sweep of nature and in the grand sweep of the world. We’ve seen that the Holy Spirit works in big picture arenas. But today I want to zoom in on the little picture, on the […]

August 2, 2015

Finding the Spirit Outside the Church

The (old) Mennonite church that I grew up in was deeply suspicious of the broader world. To keep North American society away, the church of my childhood tried to erect visible markers of difference. Women were to wear prayer coverings. Men were to dress plainly. Youth were to stay away from rock music because that […]

July 26, 2015

Bent Over the World

Today I begin a series of sermons on the Holy Spirit. For many of us in this congregation, the Holy Spirit is probably the person of the Trinity we think about, talk about, and pray to the least often. For four years I was a member of a Mennonite church in another state where the […]

July 19, 2015

Practicing Patience

This text from Galatians comes as a hard word to us Mennonites in this time and place. For the last few years, we in the Mennonite Church USA have been biting and devouring each other—precisely what verse 15 admonishes us not to do. I refer, of course, to our fights over gay and lesbian issues. […]

July 5, 2015

A Sabbath of the Mind

I know a man who grew up many years ago in what was then called the Evangelical and Reformed Church. The Evangelical and Reformed Church, or “E & R” as people affectionately called it, eventually merged into what is now the United Church of Christ. Anyway, this man tells the story of an incident that […]

June 28, 2015

Escaping Space, Entering Time

Keeping the Sabbath is one of the most difficult commandments to observe. Some of the other Ten Commandments are much easier easy to keep, at least for most people I know. Most of us have never murdered anyone; most of us don’t steal things; and most of us tell the truth about our neighbors. For […]

June 21, 2015

Wrestling with the Sabbath

For the first thirty-five years of my adult life, I did not take a twenty-four hour Sabbath every week. I almost never took any Sabbath of any kind, ever. I, a minister of the gospel for a quarter of a century, ignored the Sabbath. I had lots of excuses. I was a graduate student who […]

May 24, 2015

Pursuing Peace, Living Hope

There are so many stories and events from around the world that can leave us feeling hopeless and discouraged. These stories, which we hear and see on the news and internet, which we read in the papers, are all about what’s wrong in the world, where the latest natural disaster has happened, how many casualties […]

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