Sermon Archives

January 31, 2016

When Your Mission Is Rejected

In the late 1870s, a young man named Vincent van Gogh decided to become a minister in the Dutch Reformed church. At first glance his decision to become a minister made a lot of sense, because his father and several uncles were ministers, which more or less made ministry the family business. Moreover Vincent was […]

January 24, 2016

Do not Fear; only Believe

In what feels like another lifetime, I preached on the story of the hemorrhaging woman. Looking back on what I recall of what I said, I’ve done my share of cringing. I was a summer student pastor, having finished one year of seminary. In a moment of compassionate insight this week for my younger self, […]

January 17, 2016

Listen! A Sower Went out to Sow

“Listen! A sower went out to sow.” Today we encounter Jesus as a preacher and teacher. In a list of roles and attributes you assign to Jesus, Does “Teacher” appear? Where on the list? For me, it’s pretty high. Because as I was Growing up in the Mennonite church, I found my church pointing my […]

January 3, 2016

The Refugee Option

Most of us grew up with nativity scenes in our homes. At the center of the scene is a cute baby Jesus, happily lying in a manger. Around him are a proud Mary and Joseph, along with three or four shepherds and maybe some chorusing angels flapping around on the roof of the shed. Of […]

December 27, 2015

God’s Presence in Our Worship: The Manger is Empty

God’s presence in our worship…we continue with our theme of God-with-us this morning, with the boy Jesus in the temple. Each week, we come to worship, expecting, hoping, longing to find God here; wondering perhaps how it is that God is here; wondering if God is here. In our worship, we offer to God all […]

December 20, 2015

In the Flesh

During these Advent worship services, we’ve been dancing around with the idea of the Incarnation. “Incarnation” is a big word in theology that describes the coming together of God’s life and human life in the person of Jesus. We Christians believe that Jesus was a unique person—there wasn’t anyone like him before in history, and […]

December 6, 2015

Vigorous Speech

Have you ever found yourself wanting to argue with God? I have. Often. Not only did I want to argue with God, I have argued with God. For example, on several occasions I’ve had it out with God over violence. Why, I ask, won’t you do more to stop the civil war in Nigeria, the […]

November 15, 2015


I am possibly the worst person in this congregation to do a sermon on hospitality. I am one of the most inhospitable persons I know of. As an introvert, I prefer talking one-on-one with people instead of meeting with larger groups. I like to cook, even to cook for larger groups, but I’m not enthusiastic […]

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