When Your Mission Is Rejected
Dan Schrock
In the late 1870s, a young man named Vincent van Gogh decided to become a minister in the Dutch Reformed church. At first glance his decision to become a minister made a lot of sense, because his father and several uncles were ministers, which more or less made ministry the family business. Moreover Vincent was […]
Do not Fear; only Believe
Marilyn Rudy-Froese
In what feels like another lifetime, I preached on the story of the hemorrhaging woman. Looking back on what I recall of what I said, I’ve done my share of cringing. I was a summer student pastor, having finished one year of seminary. In a moment of compassionate insight this week for my younger self, […]
Listen! A Sower Went out to Sow
Ben Woodward Breckbill
“Listen! A sower went out to sow.” Today we encounter Jesus as a preacher and teacher. In a list of roles and attributes you assign to Jesus, Does “Teacher” appear? Where on the list? For me, it’s pretty high. Because as I was Growing up in the Mennonite church, I found my church pointing my […]
The Refugee Option
Dan Schrock
Most of us grew up with nativity scenes in our homes. At the center of the scene is a cute baby Jesus, happily lying in a manger. Around him are a proud Mary and Joseph, along with three or four shepherds and maybe some chorusing angels flapping around on the roof of the shed. Of […]
God’s Presence in Our Worship: The Manger is Empty
Marilyn Rudy-Froese
God’s presence in our worship…we continue with our theme of God-with-us this morning, with the boy Jesus in the temple. Each week, we come to worship, expecting, hoping, longing to find God here; wondering perhaps how it is that God is here; wondering if God is here. In our worship, we offer to God all […]
In the Flesh
Dan Schrock
During these Advent worship services, we’ve been dancing around with the idea of the Incarnation. “Incarnation” is a big word in theology that describes the coming together of God’s life and human life in the person of Jesus. We Christians believe that Jesus was a unique person—there wasn’t anyone like him before in history, and […]
God’s Presence in Hope
Marilyn Rudy-Froese
As I sat down to work on this sermon, the words of Psalm 137 ran through my mind: By the rivers of Babylon—there we sat down and there we wept when we remembered Zion. On the willows there we hung up our harps….How could we sing the Lord’s song in a foreign land? In the […]
Vigorous Speech
Dan Schrock
Have you ever found yourself wanting to argue with God? I have. Often. Not only did I want to argue with God, I have argued with God. For example, on several occasions I’ve had it out with God over violence. Why, I ask, won’t you do more to stop the civil war in Nigeria, the […]
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