Sermon Archives

January 22, 2017

Chaos, Creation and Sabbath: A Divine Dance of Trust and Hope

First, thank you for giving your pastors sabbaticals! While some of the fruit of sabbatical may not be apparent for a while, the immediate effects are a feeling of renewal. It was pure gift—I frequently used the word ‘decadent’—to have the time and space to be removed from the daily life of the congregation in […]

January 8, 2017

God’s Counter-Move

For most Americans, Christmas ended two weeks ago. The holiday meals have been eaten, the presents have been opened, the carols have been sung, and most of the decorations have been taken down. For most people, Christmas is over. We in this building are different. We who read the gospel of Matthew and call ourselves […]

January 1, 2017

New Day, New Management

Today, January 1, begins a new year.  But what is really new today?  The naming of this day as beginning the new year is just an arbitrary designation.  Nothing much is really new today.  It is just another Sunday.  It is just another holiday in the Western world. But what does it mean that something […]

December 18, 2016

Seeds of Hope

A few months ago during sharing time, I spoke about the peace accords in Colombia and how they were drawing to a close. After a war of more than 50 years, a war responsible for displacing 6.4 million people (second only to Syria), the FARC guerrilla group and the government planned to cease hostilities and […]

December 4, 2016

“What kind of leaders do you want?”

“Make America great again.”  We have heard this phrase over and over again for the last year.  Who wouldn’t like to see America be great?  But what are we hoping for when we want “greatness”?  Power?  Wealth?  Security?  Privilege?   And what would we hope for if we said “Make Goshen great again”?  Or if we […]

November 27, 2016

Living in the Present Moment

This year in July, Tim LaHaye died. He was co-author of the Left Behind series, a set of 12 fictional books on the end times. The Left Behind books tell the story of how all the true believers in Christ are instantly raptured away into heaven, leaving the world in chaos. In this chaos, a […]

November 20, 2016

A New Mennonite Disaster Service

During the recent presidential race, a kind of disaster occurred in the American social fabric. It feels that this election cycle was one of the most angry elections in decades. From voters and candidates, we heard appeals to violence, stories of sexual assault and sexual harassment, animosity toward immigrants, hostility toward Muslims, charges of email […]

November 13, 2016

Beyond Anxiety

“In the year that King Uzziah died. . . .” With those words, Isaiah names a major turning point in his life and in the life of his nation, the nation of Judah. You and I do this too. In conversations with each other, we often name major historical markers in our lives. “In the […]

October 30, 2016


When Ruth and I are traveling we often use GPS to give us directions to get to the specific  of the place we are visiting.  Sometimes the voice from the GPS interrupts our travel with the single word, “Recalculating.”  When that happens, we have a choice to make:  do we turn back to get on […]

October 16, 2016

Remembering how we got here

This evening as the sun goes down, Succoth will begin.  Succoth is known in the English Bible as the “Feast of Tabernacles’” or the “Feast of Booths.”  It is a 7-day festival, described in Leviticus, that Jews around the world will observe.  It might be better and more accurate for us to call Succoth “the […]

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