Keep on a Prayin’
Mag Richer Smith
I met her in Guatemala… a mother of 8 and a persistent woman! When she and her husband decided to build a home for their growing family in Guatemala City, she did the paper work for access to land and petitioned for a building permit and WAITED… When nothing happened she kept showing up at […]
Doors, not Walls
Joanne Gallardo
To be honest, I don’t like this sermon. I see the importance of this series, but I don’t like it. For straight people it’s one thing, but for a person from the LGBTQ community to give a sermon about why they’re for LGBTQ inclusion in the church? Why maybe you should consider LGBTQ inclusion in […]
Plenty Good Room?
Mag Richer Smith
William Sloan Coffin Jr. says: “For Christians the problem is NOT how to reconcile homosexuality with Scripture passages that condemn it, but how to reconcile the rejection of homosexuals with the LOVE OF CHRIST.” YET… for many in the Church the problem HAS been how to reconcile an open door to LGBTQ folks with a […]
From Exclusion to Inclusion: Eunuchs in the Bible
Dan Schrock
Today we begin a series of three sermons on the biblical basis for including LGBTQ persons in congregational life. What biblical texts and themes offer us a rationale for welcoming LGBTQ persons into the full range of congregational life and ministry? This is a big topic and three sermons will not be enough to explore […]
Stages of Discipleship
Dan Schrock
We Mennonites are big on discipleship. It’s one of the main vocabulary words we use in our conversations with each other. As best as we can, we want to follow Jesus. Discipleship is one of our signature ideas, one of our special strengths. However, there’s one aspect of discipleship that we don’t talk about very […]
Breakfast is Ready
Mag Richer Smith
This past week my friend played a song for me that she and her husband would sing together, especially after his Alzheimer’s diagnoses and throughout his illness. I did not know this song, but maybe you do. Lyrics were something like this: We are going. Heaven knows where we are going. It will be hard […]
Joy and Resistance in a Time of Fear
Joanne Gallardo
Given the world we live in today, we often find ourselves in a constant state of fear. Regardless of political affiliation, or non-affiliation, things are happening that make one question their safety, mental well being, and physical well being. Not only one’s own safety, but the safety of children and loved ones. Supreme court decisions, […]
Meditation for Alex Miller’s Baptism
Dan Schrock
It’s hard to imagine being a prophet. Most of us don’t think of ourselves as prophets. Instead we think of ourselves as teachers, students, administrators, health care workers, social workers, or something else. Not prophets. In order to be a prophet, you have to be a special, extraordinary, even holy person, and most of us […]
The Joy of Sabbath
Mag Richer Smith
Plan your escape to the Emerald Isle today! That message came through my email the other day. And it’s tantalizing, because much of life has become a rhythm between BUSYNESS and ESCAPE! How different that mindset is from a rhythm of Ministry and Sabbath… and it makes all the difference in how we view the […]
Struggle and Joy
Joanne Gallardo
I have now stated in a sermon 3 times that I am a pessimist. This puts me at a particular disadvantage when tasked with coming up with a sermon about joy. To defend my fellow pessimists, we are not devoid of joy. I laugh a lot, I’m at a good place in life with a […]
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