Sermon Archives

July 8, 2018

The Joy of Sabbath

Plan your escape to the Emerald Isle today! That message came through my email the other day.  And it’s tantalizing, because much of life has become a rhythm between BUSYNESS and ESCAPE! How different that mindset is from a rhythm of Ministry and Sabbath… and it makes all the difference in how we view the […]

July 1, 2018

Struggle and Joy

I have now stated in a sermon 3 times that I am a pessimist. This puts me at a particular disadvantage when tasked with coming up with a sermon about joy. To defend my fellow pessimists, we are not devoid of joy. I laugh a lot, I’m at a good place in life with a […]

June 10, 2018

Love, Actually

I’m a part of this online community for people who used to be members of the IFB church, or Independent Fundamental Baptist Church. If you’re unfamiliar with this denomination, there are many resources out there to look them up. There’s a 20/20 special, there’s a documentary called “Born Again,” and there are plenty of articles […]

May 20, 2018

Stretching, Propelling Spirit-Wind

“Build the Wall! “ Build the wall! Keep the segregating lines clear. Know who is IN and who is OUT. Know who is welcome and who is not. But “something there is that doesn’t love a wall”… I think it’s called the Holy Spirit… THE Spirit of our WALL-WRECKING MESSIAH… The one who breaks down […]

May 6, 2018

Finding Home in the Sojourn

In July of 2015, Bob and I put our belongings into a storage unit and left Iowa City, anticipating that we would be homeless for a maximum of 5 months. Well, we were wrong. It has been almost 3 years of living out of a suitcase and being very dependent on the next generous offer […]

April 29, 2018

What is Sin?

The Psalm in front of us is one of the main penitential psalms in the Bible. Jews and Christians throughout history have often turned to Psalm 51 whenever we want to express our own personal sinfulness to God. “Have mercy on me, O God, according to your steadfast love. According to your abundant mercy, blot […]

April 22, 2018

Humbly, Fervently Draw Near

A prayer from Paul to the Church at Ephesus goes something like this: “I pray that you may be given the spirit of wisdom & vision, so that the eyes of your hearts may be illumined, & you will KNOW the Hope to which you have been called.” A prayer from St Francis begins: Almighty, […]

April 15, 2018

The Threat of Resurrection

Imagine that early last week, one of your best friends died. Let’s call her Tilly Jane. When Tilly Jane died, the usual things happened. The attending doctor signed her death certificate. The funeral home sent her body over to Elkhart for cremation. And yesterday afternoon, friends and family gathered from far and wide for Tilly […]

April 1, 2018

Last at the Cross, First at the Tomb

I like to think I’m pretty familiar with the women of the Bible. From Ruth, to Deborah, to Tamar, and even Shiphrah and Puah, I’ve read these stories. I know these stories. I’ve thought a lot about these stories. I like to think that I reference them often. And I know that the Black church […]

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