Sermon Archives

February 24, 2019

A Noble and Generous Spirit

What is the nastiest thing that ever happened to you? What events in your life caused you the most suffering, the most pain, the most misery? What grand injustice came to you, stirring up enormous frustration and intense anger inside you?

February 17, 2019

For This Reason

For this reason. Those are the first three words of our scripture text this morning. For this reason, Paul writes, he prays to God for the church in Ephesus. Tomorrow, I’ll be traveling to Laurelville Mennonite Church Center in Pennsylvania for a meeting of the Values-Based Leadership Program. This has been helpful for me to […]

February 10, 2019

In Deep

To all who are loved by God and called to be saints, there is grace and peace for you – in abundance — through our Lord Jesus Christ. Discombobulated. Befuddled. Flabbergasted. Flummoxed.  If there are ever words that sound like their meaning, it’s those.  And that’s kind of how I’ve been feeling lately, in dire […]

February 3, 2019

Becoming a Safer Church

Ideally, many of us would like to think church is one of the safest places one can be. We all know each other, consider one another decent people, and nothing untoward may have happened to us recently, or maybe even ever in a church setting. We’re like a family. We’ve trusted each other with some […]

January 27, 2019

Ten Thousand Ways

Orpha was an older woman in our congregation. Her occupation in life had been “cleaning lady,” and Orpha’s life vocation was “servant of God.” She would collect the towels in the church kitchen and the blankets in the nursery and bring them back each week all refreshed. She quilted for the MCC sale and let […]

January 20, 2019

Becoming Aware and Giving Our Consent

On a cold Sunday morning in February 1971, I was baptized at a small mission church. Since our church was so tiny, I was the only one baptized that day. When the time came, I knelt at the front of the sanctuary; the pastor poured water on my head; pronounced the words of baptism; then […]

January 13, 2019

The Wall will Happen?

The WALL WILL happen. The Wall won’t happen.. And the debate about a Wall on the southern border of our nation keeps us stuck behind walls of hostility & resistance. We know we need appropriate boundaries to keep us safe and none of us wants to live in a house without walls, especially in the […]

January 6, 2019

…and the Glory of the Lord

We have survived the whole of Advent, Christmas Eve, Christmas, and even New Year’s Day. We sat in the darkness, waiting for the hope in the birth of a baby in a manger, a baby that would give light to nations. We spent time with our families, our friends, our coworkers, and even strangers. So […]

December 30, 2018

Augustus vs. Jesus

As followers of Jesus, there is one great sociological fact that we must deal with. It’s this: we live in the world’s richest, most powerful country. It doesn’t matter whether we like it or not. It doesn’t matter whether we’re glad about it or sad about it. It’s a fact of life. The United States […]

December 23, 2018

Tell God I Say Yes

Billy was a kid in the neighborhood who had a rough edge, a rowdy kid who pushed other people’s buttons. He hung out with my younger brothers and was in and out of our home. One day when Billy was 10 years old, my Mom got a call from Billy’s mom, a single parent with […]

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