Fake News
Joanne Gallardo
The Lectionary text this week comes from Matthew, often referred to as the “teacher’s gospel.” This passage in particular is one that highlights the blessing that is the teaching of Jesus. To be honest, this scripture goes everywhere. At first, we find Jesus followers, and Jesus in particular, to be under harsh scrutiny. Then, we […]
Dan Schrock
One day a long time ago, my phone rang. The man on the other end of the call fumbled around for a bit and then finally said, “I want to talk to you sometime soon. Would you be willing to meet me?” I knew this young man fairly well, but I had no idea what […]
The God Who Sees
Mark Schloneger
“The man we think of, the man we admire, the man we talk about, the man whose wonderful story we read and re-read, is Christopher Columbus, the greatest human benefactor of the human race.” Those are the words of Rossiter Johnson. He published a book in 1897 about the Chicago World’s Fair of 1893. That […]
Chasing the Harvest
Mark Schloneger
Marisol is a farm worker and single mother from Mexico. She came to the United States to work in the seasonal fruit harvests She is vice-president of the local chapter of Lideres Campesinas, a farmworker women’s leadership and outreach group. In her own words: Working in the fields I earn $300 weekly before taxes. […]
We Can’t Breathe
Joanne Gallardo
We can’t breathe. I realize the strangeness of me saying that. In our current context, many of us are free from the worry of having someone’s knee crushing our neck, of being shot in our own home, or having the police called on us for something as simple as birdwatching. In that sense, many of […]
Looking for the Spirit of Life
Dan Schrock
A common phrase lots of people have been using the last few months is “go back to normal.” You’ll hear it in sentences like, “When we go back to normal, I want to take a cruise in the Caribbean,” or “I’m so ready for everything to go back to normal, like it was before the […]
Up . . . and away
Mark Schloneger
The very first verses of Acts tell us that after Jesus was crucified and died, he appeared to the disciples over a period of forty days. He spoke about the kingdom of God. On one occasion, the writer of Acts tells us, disciples not to leave Jerusalem until they were baptized with the Holy Spirit.
Jesus, in particular
Mark Schloneger
My scripture comes from Acts chapter 17, verses 21 through 34. Before I read it, though, I want to give you a little context on what’s been happening, So, “Previously, in Acts . . , “ Paul, Silas, and Timothy, have been on the road traveling through what is now modern-day Turkey and Greece. When […]
Reflections of the Way Life Used to Be
Joanne Gallardo
I’ve spent the last few weeks running away from my reflection. I’m talking about my literal reflection and metaphorical reflection. Any haircuts or personal grooming habits have sort of gone out the window given that Zoom doesn’t produce the sharpest image of ourselves. My lowered levels of vanity is probably a good thing. But I’ve […]
Loving our neighbors while suffering
Missy Kauffman Schrock
Are you suffering? I think many of us are. Maybe not all the time, but likely more than before the lockdown. This pandemic has gotten the best of us – we are more isolated from each other, or homebound togetherness may be leaning toward the tedious. Just going out of the house may feel riskier […]
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