the Church, formed
Mark Schloneger
Before I begin, I want you to know that I prepared this sermon in Berkey’s first and second grade Sunday school classroom. When I opened the door, chimes hanging on the door welcomed me inside. You know what? I’d like chimes to ring whenever I enter a room. I felt good in that space. I […]
the Church, gathered
Mark Schloneger
In the verses just preceding our passage from Matthew, Jesus told his disciples to watch out for the yeast of the Pharisees and Sadducees. The disciples were confused by that, at first, they thought Jesus was talking about bread. But they soon figured it out. Those Pharisees and Sadducees were the religious leaders of that […]
A Two-Handed Theology
Joanne Gallardo
I have had a really difficult time loving my neighbor lately. I mean that both in the literal and more metaphorical sense. I don’t understand the point of view of my actual neighbor. She tells me about how our current pandemic has been planned, because she saw “Plandemic” before the media shut it down. She […]
The Joseph Project and Jesus
Dan Schrock
I A while back I had a Christian friend in another state who was an avid supporter of one of the two major political parties in the United States. He gave large donations to candidates of his political party and to political action committees that supported his party. Since he was a moderately wealthy person, […]
Reconciling Christ
Mark Schloneger
Before we feast on the scripture before us this morning, let me set the table for you. After his brothers sold him into slavery Joseph – in an incredible turn of events – winds up in Egypt and becomes Pharaoh’s right hand man, the second in command, the overseer of the land. Now, there’s a […]
Wet Feet First
Mark Schloneger
Many people didn’t know it was possible, but, against all odds, I’ve done it: I have crossed another threshold of pandemic fatigue. And, you know, based on several conversations that I have had, I’d guess the same is true for many of you. Last week felt like a very long month. I’m going to do […]
The Most Amazing Thing
Joanne Gallardo
When I was younger, my brother Steve was obsessed with professional wrestling. He would save all his money so he could watch a special pay per view of Wrestlemania every year, and every Monday night he would tune in for hours (or at least it felt like hours) to see these grown men in elaborate […]
The Difference of Little Things
Dan Schrock
The problems we face today are large and many. Item #1: In healthcare, the number of Covid cases has been surging in many places across the globe, including the United States. The surge of cases is so strong that some people are no longer talking about a first wave and a second wave, but are […]
Leave the weeds
Mark Schloneger
Every morning, I get out of bed. I brush my teeth. I shave. I adorn myself with clothes. After eating some breakfast, I pour myself a good cup of coffee in a good mug and sit down to read the news, the news that was posted while I was sleeping. In my original plans for […]
Mark Schloneger
You know what I love about Berkey’s community garden project? It’s simplicity. Think about it: All we’re doing is making space out back, offering our soil, giving our dirt, for people to grow some vegetables. That’s it. And the thing is, we can’t really pat ourselves on the back about that, at least not too […]
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