A Boundary-Breaking God
Richard A. Kauffman
“What is patriotism but the love of the food you ate as a child?” so asked a 20th-century Chinese philosopher named Lin Yutang. If patriotism is love of the foods I ate as a child, then I’m very patriotic: shoo-fly pie, chocolate shakes, meatloaf, graham cracker pudding, egg and olive salad, chocolate chip cookies, potato […]
Life-Laying Love
Mark Schloneger
The third drawer in my dresser is full of tee-shirts. Top drawer underwear, second drawer socks, third drawer, tee-shirts, with a couple other drawers beneath those. I implemented this organizational system many years ago, and I think that’s why I’m so efficient. Anyway, my tee-shirts advertise to the world things about me: where I’ve been, […]
Seeing is Believing
Richard A. Kauffman
There are four post-resurrection stories in this, the last chapter of Luke. This morning’s text is the next-to-last one. It immediately follows the account of the two disciples walking on the Emmaus road who didn’t recognize Jesus until he broke bread, blessed it, and gave it to them. Three things interest me about this morning’s […]
Hearts, minds, and possession
Mark Schloneger
This dirt is mine. Well, it’s my wife Sarah’s too, and yes, it’s mostly the bank’s. But let’s not get distracted by the details. Under the law, this dirt is mine because I paid for the exclusive right to call it mine, and what that means is that no one else can call it theirs. […]
It matters where we gaze
Richard A. Kauffman
I was probably in elementary school when my family took a trip through the mountains of PA. My dad was driving and as he rounded a curve a rattle snake slithered across the road. My dad, being my dad, stopped the car alongside the road and with his camera followed the snake into the woods […]
Mark Schloneger
When it comes to our pets, let’s be honest: we chose them — they didn’t choose us. No, we chose them, and when we did so, we didn’t know whether they’d be affectionate or hostile, loyal or rebellious, intelligent or . . . thick-headed. We didn’t know whether they’d respect our property or be a […]
Nourishing Witness
Mark Schloneger
Around the world, every day, women are walking for water. They go to the well, to the river, to the lake, with one hand by their side, with one hand holding the pot above. they walk, slowly, carefully, gracefully, swans stepping through tall green grass. Around the world, every day, women are walking for water. […]
Being Compassionate . . . to Ourselves
Dan Schrock
When it comes to acting with compassion, we Mennonites are outstanding. Imitating the example of Jesus’ own compassion, we founded Mennonite Central Committee in the 1920s in order to alleviate the suffering of others. It was compassion that motivated us to go overseas in the PAX program of the mid-20th century, that caused us to […]
Do you hear what I hear?
Mark Schloneger
You know, stopping here, stopping at verses 10, we’re pretty sure that we know the three golden nuggets of truth to take away from it. This is a story about how God speaks to us and how we often fail to recognize it.
Inauguration Day
Mark Schloneger
Many times, before I read the scripture that provides the focus for my sermon, I try to provide its context — what has happened or what is being addressed just before the verses that I’m about to read. Today, though, I’m going to do the opposite. I’m going to work backwards. I will still read […]
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