Sermon Archives

December 12, 2021

The Blessing Place

The Blessing Place

Zephaniah, a minor prophet, consisted of nine prophetic oracles (that is, messages from God). Eight of these oracles were judgment against Judah and Jerusalem for their pride and failure to keep the covenant. This book was written during King Josiah’s reign, a reform-minded monarch. Despite his best efforts, there was still a great deal of […]

December 5, 2021

Welcome, Child

Welcome, Child

When a baby is born to Muslim parents, everyone in the birth chamber is asked to be silent. The doctor, the nurses, the aids. Silence. Before any other words are said, the father will take the baby in his arms, and whisper in his right ear the Muslim call to prayer. This is so the […]

November 28, 2021

Embracing Hope

Embracing Hope

Early in our marriage, before children, Sarah and I went to see Titanic, a movie that was breaking all kinds of box records and would go on to win all kinds of awards. And before I say more, let me just say this. Titanic was a fine movie. It was worth the price of admission. […]

November 21, 2021

A Symphony in 3 Movements

I’ll let you in on a little family secret: At one time I was known in my family for driving on an empty tank of gas. Family members knew that if they drove my car, their first task might be to go straight to a gas station to get some gas. It was partly strategic: […]

November 14, 2021

Seeking Wholeness

In August I attended a school board meeting for Goshen schools at the new Intermediate building, right down the street from here. I had assumed that a top priority of people attending the meeting would be to discuss our kids’ safety at school while the pandemic was raging and there was no mask mandate in […]

November 7, 2021

Alms from the Poor?

Alms from the Poor?

We know what this story is about, correct? A poor widow comes to the Temple. She’s dependent on the kindness of others, since widows in that socio-economic context didn’t get to control their husband’s estate. She has two small coins, which she put into the Temple treasury. She could have saved one for herself, but […]

October 24, 2021

Did Job Get a Passing Grade?

“Have you considered my servant Job?” That’s a question God asks twice in the book of Job. Yes, for the last 3 Sundays, and yet again this morning we are considering God’s servant, Job. I remind you what this Job story is about. Job is put to the test: Satan—not the devil but one of […]

October 17, 2021

The Why’s God

You know, before Monday, running had never been an activity that provoked deep emotions in me. Yet, on Monday, running the Boston Marathon, I found myself fighting back tears and failing. It was at mile 17. That was the mile where my family was watching. I stopped to hug them, and I was so happy […]

October 10, 2021

Job’s Bitter Complaint

Mark did a terrific job last week launching our 4-Sunday series on Job. He used his law background to good advantage. I wouldn’t want to oppose Mark in a court of law! Job asks the really big questions of life: Who is God? Where is God? Who are we as humans? Why is there suffering […]

October 3, 2021

In the Case of Job

In the Case of Job

Thank you, your honor. May it please the court, I’ve prepared an opening statement in this civil action brought by Job, resident of 2924 Maple Street, the Land of Uz, zip 56655, against the defendant, God, also known as The LORD, Yahweh, the Most High, the Holy One of Israel, and many other names.

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