The Greatness of God
Richard A. Kauffman
Soon after I began my ministry years ago, I participated in a retreat at Spruce Lake Camp in the Pocono Mountains in northeastern Pennsylvania. The retreat was for both adult and youth leaders of youth groups. It was such a spiritually stimulating event that one high school youth went to the retreat leaders to tell […]
How to Have Enemies
Mark Schloneger
When my sister Tricia was three years old, she got in an argument with Heather, another three-year-old. They were on the stoop outside our front door, and Heather, well, Heather pushed Tricia down. Tricia was shocked that Heather would resort to such brutality, and she immediately got up, came into the house, and told all […]
Time for Celebration
Richard A. Kauffman
Here’s a question for you to ponder: did God command Sabbath-keeping because the Sabbath is good? Or is it good because God commanded it? Think on that! Some years ago I had a one-semester sabbatical. We were originally going to Oxford, England, but at the last minute our housing fell through. So we had to […]
Rooted and Grounded in Christ’s Love
Mark Schloneger
Giant sequoias can grow to over three hundred feet tall, weigh over twelve million pounds, and are known to have lived over three thousand years. In terms of sheer size, there is no other tree that comes close to the giant sequoia, and there are trees standing today that were alive when David became king […]
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