Let it Be With Me

May 15, 2022


During the time of discernment before deciding to go to begin seminary, I kept encountering passages and even whole sermons on ‘do not fear’.  Now, this theme pops up quite a bit in the Bible. I’ve heard this phrase is present around 365 times, one for every day of the year. But encountering the command not to fear so often in a short period of time got my attention. And I wondered why.

The answer may be obvious, but it took me some time to recognize it- that I was indeed fearful of what following a call to seminary would mean. And I began to realize that fear can show up in subtle ways. A friend of mine asked on Facebook recently what people fear and the responses were many and varied – fear of not being good enough, fear of the unknown, fear of being misunderstood, fear of not being in control.

Bible References

  • Luke 1:26 - 38
