Joy and Resistance in a Time of Fear

August 5, 2018




Given the world we live in today, we often find ourselves in a constant state of fear. Regardless of political affiliation, or non-affiliation, things are happening that make one question their safety, mental well being, and physical well being. Not only one’s own safety, but the safety of children and loved ones. Supreme court decisions, new laws, inaction, and the nefarious intent on the part of individuals, corporations, and organizations, we have cause to fear for our very lives. We fear for both our physical lives and our lives as we know them. We are told if we are not angry, or fearful, we are not paying attention.

We come to church on Sunday and experience something different. The messages we hear, from our prayers, songs, and sermons are not ones of anxiousness or fear, but of love, discipleship, and as of late, joy. And the further we progress with these Sundays I can’t help but think how completely countercultural it is to proclaim joy in a world that wants us to live armed and afraid, demonizing difference and promoting superiority for a certain section of the population. What a different message to be proclaiming joy, for everyone!

Bible References

  • Isaiah 43:1 - 2
  • Isaiah 43:5 - 7
  • Exodus 14:5 - 25
