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Sherm Kauffman is planning to preach a series of five sermons this fall aimed at helping us to reflect on the transitions we are going through at Berkey. Sherm is well suited to this because he’s helped four other congregations through transitional periods in the past. His sermon texts will come from Luke and Acts. The first sermon in this series of five took place last Sunday. About the rest of the series, Sherm says:

“In September/October, I will follow this introduction with a series from Luke/Acts over 4 Sundays that will look more carefully at the movement from a Jerusalem-centered faith to a more global expression migrating into the Gentile world. There are some stories common to other gospel accounts and some unique to Luke’s writing that were of particular interest to Luke as a Gentile. Theophilus was either a particular gentile person for whom Luke had very high respect or, he was using the name as a generic address to those who had come to faith from the gentile world, and those who would come later.”