Sermon Archives

September 24, 2023

Turning Aside to Look

Turning Aside to Look
September 17, 2023

The Wrestler Unmasked

The Wrestler Unmasked

Could it be that we are Jacob — away from our home, away from our family, away from ourselves, and carrying in one of our pockets a future that we grasped by the heel but was never meant for us? Who are we? What is our story? Where is our place? Why are we here?

September 10, 2023

Inauspicious Openings

Inauspicious Openings

This summer at Mennonite Convention I went to an excellent workshop by Michelle Hershberger, Bible and Ministry professor at Hesston College. Senper was also at this one with me and I know some of our youth enjoyed her other workshops. Michelle was sharing about Hesston’s work on teaching biblical literacy through focusing on the big […]

May 28, 2023

God’s Tenacious Solidarity

God's Tenacious Solidarity

Paul reminds us that the well-being of the earth and our well-being as humans living in this world are inextricably tied together. Both the world and we eagerly await our redemption at God’s final triumph. Meanwhile, God helps us in our weaknesses, and God even comes to the rescue when we don’t even know what […]

May 21, 2023

Loving God and Others

Loving God and Others

Guest Speaker Marilyn Rudy-Froese speaks on hospitality, the love of God and love of others. Marilyn was a pastor at Berkey from 2012 – 2017. She currently is a Church Leadership Minister for Mennonite Church Eastern Canada.

May 14, 2023

A Glimmer of Hope

A Glimmer of Hope

We have all been there before- you know, sitting around, chatting with family and friends, and someone mentions a current event, something in the news, maybe a recent political update that isn’t too uplifting. Violence in Sudan; a mall shooting in Texas; wildfires, floods, and landslides; One comment leads to another and before you know […]

April 30, 2023

Rooted and Grounded, Known and Loved

Rooted and Grounded, Known and Loved

Pastor Mark shares about the sabbatical project and what that will mean both for him personally and for Berkey.

April 23, 2023

The Us and Them

The Us and Them

The story of Peter having the vision of clean and unclean animals and ultimately being led to Cornelius’ house. To Peter and other Jewish believers, God’s call for Israel to be holy was to be symbolized in the everyday acts of eating. However, through both his vision and subsequent witness of God pouring out the […]

April 16, 2023

The In Between

The In Between

The eleven disciples went to Galilee. Eleven. I usually breeze past this part, but let’s slow down a bit. Imagine the state of this group. What had transpired the last few days was certainly close at heart for each of them. Even their group has changed. One of them is missing. And Jesus has been […]

April 9, 2023

Jesus Christ is Risen!

Jesus Christ is Risen!

In the desert of desolation, Resurrection sweeps us up in a roaring rain of life. He is Risen! He is Risen indeed!

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