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Two books have recently been donated to our library:

Torn, by Justin Lee. Rescuing the Gospel from the Gay-VS.-Christians Debate. “Justin didn’t leave the church when he realized he was gay…he has been too determined to show Christians how much he loves them. This is not the story of how a gay man has reconciled his sexuality inside his Southern Baptist upbringing. This is the story of how one Christian man’s faith taught him to accept himself, serve others who are in need, and bridge the gap for those who do not always understand.” -Jennier Knapp

God Believes in Love: Straight Talk About Gay Marriage, by Gene Robinson, IX Bishop of the Diocese of New Hampshire in the Episcopal Church. Robinson takes ten questions frequently asked by those trying to understand if gay marriage is truly a just and righteous path for our states, our country, and our world, and addresses each question in detail as a chapter.