Posted by admin

Dear Friends:

I am writing to extend an invitation to a call to action to help protect our nation’s Health Centers from a major federal funding cut. As of September 2015 all Federally Qualified Health Centers federal funding is scheduled to be cut by 70%! As Director of the Center for Healing and Hope I can speak to the crucial importance that Health Centers play in the health of our communities, especially in providing access to health care for the uninsured and low-income individuals in our community. Our local Health Centers are Heart City Health Center (HCHC) and Maple City Health Center. Together they provide medical care to more that 15% of Elkhart County. Please read the below email for more information. Also, more information and an online petition may be accessed at

It is horrifying for me to consider the human suffering that may result from this act, not to mention the economic impact on our hospitals and on our society as poor health results in a less effective workforce and greater rates of unemployment. Please take a moment to go the website and/or read the HCHC email below. The deadline for signing the petition is March 31.

Grace and peace,
Clare Krabill