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Did You Know? Over the last five years, Berkey has done many things to care for creation in more responsible ways. Here’s a list.

To save energy:

Insulated the floor under the sanctuary
Purchased a more efficient refrigerator
Removed incandescent bulbs from the sanctuary and library, and replaced them with fluorescent bulbs
Installed “smart” thermostats
Installed timer switches in the restrooms
Installed electronic ballasts for many fluorescent fixtures


Installed a metal roof over the sanctuary (which can be recycled, unlike asphalt)
Cardboard, cans, and bottles
Compost coffee grounds

Using our land well:

Started a community garden
Sowed a wildflower garden to attract butterflies (coming next summer)
Mulch many of our leaves back into the grass


Held a summer intergenerational class related to creation
Taught the Every Creature Singing adult elective
Taught a series on the stewardship of creation for the MYF


Used the Creation Waits worship series


Each commission discussed ways their work could contribute to a greener planet
Encouraged people to get free home energy audits and sign up for AC cycling

If you have more ideas for ways that we can care for creation, let us know.
—Dan and Jenny Schrock, for the Stewardship and Finance Commission