Berkey Prayer Circle
The Prayer Circle of three to five people meets routinely on Monday nights at 7:00 p.m. in the church offices. We pray for Berkey members who have shared joys and concerns during the worship service, by using the blue prayer cards, or through individual concerns specifically expressed to us. All prayer requests are kept confidential. […]
Announcement Guidelines
Friends, here are some guidelines for the church newsletter and emails. Hopefully these will be helpful the next time you have an announcement to share with the congregation: The Owl Newsletter is the perfect space for you to share announcements. The newsletter goes out to more than 200 inboxes and is also posted on Facebook […]
Easter Sunday
Join us at 8:00 a.m. (location to be confirmed next week) for an Easter Sunrise walk to the church. This walk will remember not just Jesus’ journey to the cross, but the journey many refugees around the world make. The walk will end at the church, where we will celebrate Jesus’ resurrection through sharing breakfast […]
Youth Summer Camp Designated Fund
We invite you to consider making a contribution to Berkey Avenue’s Youth Summer Camp designated fund this month. We anticipate several requests for financial assistance to help church youth experience a week of camp this summer at either Camp Amigo or Camp Friedenswald and would like to be able to give generously. A week of […]
Bible School
Don’t forget to add Bible School, June 5-9, to your calendar. There will be classes for children age 4 (by August 1) through grade 5. Be thinking how you can volunteer your gifts to help with this week. Volunteer forms will be in your mailboxes this Sunday. See Deb Williams or Laura Moshier with any […]
Berkey Volunteer Event
Now is the time to sign up to volunteer to work at the LaCasa Help-A- House Community Work Day event being held in Goshen on Saturday, May 13. Berkey Avenue Mennonite will have a group volunteering at this event. See details and sign up on the bulletin board by the church mailboxes. Alternatively, sign up […]
Good Friday Service
In light of the suffering in our community and the need for solidarity during this season of Lent, Berkey along with other representatives from the Goshen Ministerial Association are planning a community-wide, ecumenical worship service for Good Friday. The service will take place April 14, noon – 1:00 p.m. at College Mennonite Church.
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