News Archives

Berkey Avenue Announcements
April 20, 2018

SLT Minutes

The March minutes from Spiritual Leadership Team (SLT) are now available for you to read. You will find them under the Resource tab on the Berkey website. The page is password protected. If you have forgotten the password, please contact the office.

April 20, 2018

Pastor’s Schedule

Bob and Mag Richer Smith will be out of town visiting family April 25 -May 2.

April 13, 2018

Second Open Discussion

On April 22 the Spiritual Leadership Team is hosting the second of three congregational conversations around the idea of becoming a more welcoming church to the LGBTQ community. We will listen to the Spirit and each other through a process called World Cafe. Childcare will be provided. All members and attenders are welcome to participate. […]

April 6, 2018

Mission Trip to Columbia

Mission Commission is planning a trip to Columbia in March 2019 to support our missionaries and see the work of MCC. They are looking for those interested to start planning and see if this is something that might enrich your life. Elizabeth Miller writes, “One thing that would be helpful for us to know is […]

April 6, 2018

Congregational Directory Updates for Apple Users

Our congregational directory program, Instant Church Directory, had a major update this week for the iOS App. It now includes Groups and Birthdays, just like the Android App. If you are an iOS user, you were automatically logged out during the update. To continue using the app, you will need to sign in using your […]

April 6, 2018

IHN Hosts

Our church will be hosting Interfaith Hospitality Network at St Mark’s United Methodist Church from Sunday, April 15 through Saturday, April 21. We provide both supper hosts (5:00-7:30 p.m.) and evening hosts (7:30-10:00 p.m.) for the week. Regular volunteers, please check your schedules and let us know if you have a conflict. New volunteers are […]

April 6, 2018

Berkey Volunteer Event

Now is the time to sign up to volunteer to work at the LaCasa Help-A-House Community Work Day event being held in Goshen on Saturday, May 12. Berkey will have a group volunteering at this event. See details and sign-up on the bulletin board by the church mailboxes. Alternatively, sign-up by calling/texting Dale Snyder at […]

April 6, 2018

Bible School Volunteer Form

Volunteers are needed to make our Vacation Bible School a success. There are many opportunities to get involved including teaching, assisting, baking, running errands and much more! Follow this link to view the many choices and to sign up. See Deb Williams with any questions or to request a paper volunteer form. (Bible School is […]

April 6, 2018

Garden Plots

Would you like a garden plot on Berkey’s Community Garden? If so, contact Lowell Nafziger by email or call (574)536-5983.

April 6, 2018

Photos for Congregational Directory

Would you like a new photo in the congregational directory? Perhaps your old photo looks dated or you have a new favorite photo. Whatever your reason, simply email your new photo to the office and your directory photo will be updated.

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