News Archives

Berkey Avenue Announcements
May 25, 2018


We still have plenty of Berkey Cookbooks for sale. These are great gifts for anyone. You will find them by the mailboxes. Please add your name to the list, located by the books, and put your money in the offering. Be sure to write in your check’s memo line or attach a note, that your […]

May 25, 2018

Pastors Bob and Mag Richer Smith on Vacation

Bob and Mag welcomed the arrival of a new grandson on May 15. They will be traveling to Denver to meet Baby Ezra and help care for his 3 year old sister. They will be gone for two weeks: May 30- June 14, returning to the office on June 15. In their absence, please contact […]

May 25, 2018

Pastor Dan Schrock on Vacation

Dan Schrock is on vacation. He will return to work on July 1.

May 18, 2018

Congregational Potluck Meal and Meeting

This Sunday, May 20, everyone is invited to gather for the congregational meal and meeting following the nurture hour, 12:00 p.m. Please bring a main dish and a salad or dessert to share, as well as your own table service. The congregational meeting will begin after the meal. The agenda includes: Approve minutes of the […]

May 18, 2018

High School Graduation Hymnal Signing and Celebration

Three of our youth will be graduating from high school this spring: Alex Miller from Northridge High School; Abby Rudy-Froese from Bethany Christian Schools; Elise Wenger from Goshen High School. We will be celebrating their graduation on Sunday, May 27, with the gift of a hymnal, a special tea following worship and a hymn sing […]

May 18, 2018

Magazine Renewals

It is time to renew subscriptions to Rejoice!and Purpose magazines. Checks should be written out to Berkey Avenue Mennonite Fellowship and placed in the Treasurer’s mailbox (not the offering) by May 27. Contact our treasurer, Ruth Hathaway, with any questions you might have. See prices and descriptions below: Rejoice! ($29.50): Nurture your soul through the quarterly devotional magazine, Rejoice! Each day’s […]

May 18, 2018

Congregational Summer Picnic

Everyone is invited to our first summer picnic on Sunday, June 3. We’ll eat outside by the playground, weather permitting, and have yard games to enjoy. The theme is “Favorite Summer Salads and Finger Foods”. Bring two favorite dishes, including a variety of salads, finger foods, and desserts. Ice cream cones will be provided. Also […]

May 18, 2018

Servant Leadership Ballot for 2018-2019

The Leadership Discernment Team (LDT): Abbe Buller, Ruth Roth, Mark Yoder, and Dan Schrock, are pleased that the following persons have agreed to serve on our commissions and in other roles. We will vote to affirm these persons during the June 3 worship service. If you would like an absentee ballot, you will find it here; […]

May 18, 2018

New to Our Library

A Long Walk to Water, by Linda Sue Park.  A New York Times bestseller and a Junior fiction book that adults will also enjoy. Based on a true story about Nya who goes to the pond to fetch water for her family. She walks eight hours every day. Salva, a young boy, walks away from […]

May 11, 2018

Prayer for Pastoral Search

Pray for our Pastoral Search Committee  (Jan Shetler, John Mast, Brandon Yoder, Anita Mounsithiraj and Renae Yoder) as they continue the process to find a full-time pastoral team leader.

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