Easter Services
On Easter morning, April 4, join us as we celebrate Jesus’ resurrection by gathering outside at Berkey to sing Easter carols (8:30 a.m., masks/social distancing, weather permitting). Then, you are invited to participate in our Easter worship service via Zoom beginning at 10:00 am. During our worship service, we will be observing communion. Please prepare your […]
Stephen Ministry Care
Our Lenten theme is “Deep calls to Deep.” We call on God from the depths of our hearts with a wide range of emotions. Jesus experienced times of loneliness, sadness, hurt, anger, disappointment, uncertainty, and grief. That is part of being human. Another part of being human is needing each other. God never intended us […]
Voices Together Songbooks
Our new songbook, Voices Together, arrived at the church building a few weeks ago. Since then, we have been enjoying songs from the new songbook during our worship services. We have a number of extra copies that you are welcome to either borrow or purchase. Available books and sign-out sheets are on the table by the […]
Youth Summer Camp Designated Fund
This is the 6th year for the Berkey Avenue Youth Summer Camp designated fund. Once again this year, 50+ youth from the Berkey Avenue congregation are eligible to attend a week of summer camp at either Camp Amigo (ages 4 thru 18) or Camp Friedenswald (grades 1 thru 12). Last year 2 youth received assistance […]
Handbook, Commissions, & Appointments
Just a reminder that if you need to connect with someone on one of the church commissions, you can find out who is serving on each commission by clicking the link “Handbook, Commissions, & Appointments,” located under the Resources tab. A link to information for the Committees serving under each commission can be found by […]
New Sunday School Class Beginning April 18
The Brethren Mennonite Council for LGBT Interests will be conducting a Sunday School class over 5 weeks, starting April 18, about how we can become a more welcoming church. Subjects will range from why welcoming matters, terminology, and theological richness. All are welcome to attend via Zoom, following worship. If you have any questions, you […]
Sunday Worship Service at Home
Before Sunday, Berkey attenders will receive a Zoom link to the morning worship service and nurture hour classes. Our worship service will begin at 9:30 a.m. and will be a mix of live worship with some recorded elements. Each Sunday during Lent, you are invited to bring an object to our Zoom meeting that symbolizes […]
Casually Deep Conversations
Through Lent (February 17-April 3), Berkey’s pastors invite you to “Casually Deep Conversations” on Wednesday evenings from 8:00 to 9:00 pm. Via Zoom, these free-flowing conversations will center on the theme of the following Sunday’s worship service, the scripture focus for that service, and how your personal stories and experiences connect with them. You are […]
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