Berkey Memorial/Meditation Garden and Outdoor Worship Space
At our congregational meeting on May 16, representatives of several groups presented a proposal for a “Memorial/Meditation Garden and Outdoor Worship Space,” in the context of a larger vision for the 3 acres of land we have on the north side of our property. Below are links to two presentations that were part of the […]
Summer Sunday School
Christian Education commission is organizing 2 intergenerational summer events! The first is a bike ride on Sunday, June 20, 6:00 p.m., led by Patrick Buller. Watch for more details coming your way in the next few weeks. The second event is a hymn sing to help familiarize with the new Voices Together hymnal (date TBD), […]
Vacation Bible School
Berkey parents recently received an email with details about VBS 2021. We are collaborating with Silverwood Mennonite Church (and possibly additional congregations) for a Vacation Bible School program. The theme is God’s Olympians: Courageously Running the Race. To keep everyone as safe as possible as COVID continues, this year’s hybrid (virtual & in-person) VBS will […]
In-Person Worship/Building Use
Berkey is planning to begin in-person outdoor worship services on Sunday, May 30. The services will continue to be livestreamed via Zoom. Follow the link below for more information. — Information and Guidelines for Summer Worship. If you would like to use the church building, please make a reservation by contacting Jenny Hooley, Communications & Office Manager. View […]
Sunday Worship Service at Home
Before Sunday, Berkey attenders will receive a Zoom link to the morning worship service and nurture hour classes. Our worship service will begin at 9:30 a.m. and will be a mix of live worship with some recorded elements. Each Sunday during Lent, you are invited to bring an object to our Zoom meeting that symbolizes […]
Good Friday Vigil
On Friday, April 2, at 7:30 pm, weather permitting, all are invited to gather outside at Berkey for a Good Friday Vigil. This service will include hymns, scriptures, and prayers as we remember Jesus’ passion and our participation in it. Everyone will be asked to observe social distancing and to wear masks.
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