World Cafe
The SLT invites you to attend a World Cafe this Sunday, January 13, 4:00-6:00 p.m. During this time we will begin fleshing out how we may give greater life to our commitment to living in community, practicing peacemaking and welcoming all in the name of Christ. All are invited and encouraged to attend. Light refreshments […]
Note From Stewardship and Finance Commission
After years of work as part of our team of treasurers, Thelma and Dick Ramer concluded their role at the end of December. We are really grateful for their faithful service to the congregation. We’re happy to announce that Nancy Yoder has agreed to accept the responsibilities Dick and Thelma had been doing. The other […]
Berkey Meat Canning Day
The MCC Meat Canner is in Goshen through January 18. Berkey’s day to help is Monday, January 14, 7:00 a.m. – 8:00 p.m. Consider helping individually or even better, pull together members of your Sunday School class or small group to make the day a success. If you would like to donate to the cause, […]
Supporting our Mennonite Schools
Berkey students attending Mennonite schools continue to be blessed with your financial support. Your contribution to one of our designated education funds provides ongoing support for our current students and also insures future opportunities for the growing number of children in our congregation. Here are two ways that you can help: Bethany Christian Schools: We […]
New to Our Library
The Evangelicals, by Frances Fitzgerald is an epic history of white American evangelical Protestantism from Plymouth Rock to Trump Tower. This is a comprehensive, heavily footnoted, yet readable study of how the evangelical tradition has become seared into the fabric of American life and the key figures who made it happen. . . Fitzgerald, nobly succeeds […]
Directory Help Request
Our online directory is updated regularly and is an excellent tool that helps us stay connected. However there are a few of us that could use a little help connecting to the directory. Please take time in your Sunday School classes or small groups to offer your assistance downloading the app or connecting online. Your […]
New to Our Library
We have three new additions to the Berkey library: Thinking Out Loud: Pursuing Peace in a Perplexing World, by J. Ron Byler whose stories illustrate the harsh and violent realities many people experience. Instead of leading us into despair, he provides inspiring examples of how responding to basic human needs and working for peace and […]
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