Password for Congregational Directory
From time to time software updates occur to our congregational directory. After these happen, you may need to log-in again using your email address and password. It is recommended that you either select a password that you will easily remember or write it down in a place that you can reference it when needed. If […]
Name Tags
Please remember to wear your name tag on Sunday morning and during other church events. This is especially important during the next few weeks while the Schloneger family is learning our names. Adhesive name tags are available on the welcome table for visitors, children, or anyone else who may not have a name tag. Clip-on […]
Family Game Night
Everyone is invited to a family game night this Saturday, February 2, 3:00 – 6:00 p.m. Bring your family and favorite games. A hot cocoa bar and light snacks will be provided. We look forward to seeing you all there! If you have any questions, feel free to contact Vanessa Adcock, Naomi Kern or Patrick […]
Safe Church Training
In keeping with our Safe Church policy, we are encouraging you to attend a brief, one hour training session for all persons who volunteer at Berkey. On February 3rd, adult Sunday School classes will not be meeting to allow you to attend a training session in the sanctuary, led by Brenda Yoder, bureau speaker for […]
Congregational Potluck Meal & Meeting
On Sunday, February 17, everyone is invited to gather for the congregational meal and meeting following the nurture hour, 12:00 p.m. Bring a main dish and a salad or dessert to share, as well as your own table service. The meeting will begin after the meal. Childcare will be provided so that everyone will be […]
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