News Archives

Berkey Avenue Announcements
February 22, 2019

Colombia Fundraising Tea

You are invited to join the Colombia Mission Team for a Fundraising Tea between Worship and Sunday school this Sunday, February 24. The team is hoping to raise funds for a “Love Gift” for Elizabeth and Neil, MCC Colombia and their partners. If you would like to make a financial contribution, make your checks out […]

February 22, 2019

IHN Training at Berkey

Most volunteers have attended a training offered by IHN and signed a waiver so background checks can be done. However, we know that a number of you have not been able to get this completed. So, we have invited Mindy Morehead, the director, to come and do a training right here at Berkey during Nurture […]

February 22, 2019

Peace Club

Peace Club will meet at noon this Sunday, February 24, in Jubilee Hall. All 1st – 5th graders and their families are welcome to attend our gathering. We will be celebrating African American History this month. We will have lunch together and end our meeting at 2:00 p.m.

February 22, 2019

Christian Education Opportunity

It’s tempting to avoid a problem like climate change that does not seem to have solutions. How do we as followers of Jesus approach this topic? During the first four Sundays of March, Jennifer Schrock will lead an intergenerational discussion on climate change during the Christian Education Hour. We’ll listen to each other, take time […]

February 22, 2019

IHN Week

We are scheduled to serve the homeless in our community again the week of March 3-9 at St. Mark’s United Methodist Church. The schedule has been sent out to our regular volunteers. Please confirm that you can serve in the slot in which you are placed or whether you need a substitute or adjustment in […]

February 22, 2019

Volunteer and Nomination Forms

We’re grateful to have a congregation with people who volunteer and participate in many ways. An important part of our life at Berkey is selecting people to serve on commissions and other tasks in our congregational life.The Leadership Discernment Team (LDT) needs your help in filling out two forms. To do so, please click the […]

February 22, 2019

Survey for Christian Ed.

The Christian Education Commission would like your feedback on our Sunday School program. Please complete our survey using this link or the paper form in your mailbox. Return your paper copies to Trish Shenk’s mailbox.

February 22, 2019

Berkey Volunteers for Help-A-House

LaCasa has announced the date for the 2019 Help-A-House event (May 11th). Berkey has a long-standing tradition of working on a project together for the event. If you have interest in participating, see the bulletin board by the mailboxes for more information and to sign-up. Contact Dale Snyder with any questions you might have.

February 22, 2019

Save the Date

Vacation Bible School will be Monday, June 10 – Friday, June 14. Mark your calendars today; more information will be coming soon. To learn more, contact Laura Moshier.

February 22, 2019

Berkey 2018 Solar Summary

The Berkey solar system produced 13.06 MWh of electricity, or 54% of the electricity used by the church for the year. This saved $1,919 in utility costs for the year. Solar production was 96% of projected production, while electricity used was 130% of projected usage. See more on the Berkey website on the Creation Care page […]

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