Getting To Know
Are there people at Berkey that you don’t know very well? Would you like to learn to know them better? Our newsletter (The Owl) will soon feature a a new segment, Getting to Know. We hope that all adults will contribute a short paragraph about themselves to be published in the newsletter. Forms were distributed […]
New to Our Library
Two books have recently been donated to our library: Torn, by Justin Lee. Rescuing the Gospel from the Gay-VS.-Christians Debate. “Justin didn’t leave the church when he realized he was gay…he has been too determined to show Christians how much he loves them. This is not the story of how a gay man has reconciled […]
Berkey Prayer Circle
The Prayer Circle of three to five people meets routinely on Monday nights at 7:00 p.m. in the church offices. We pray for Berkey members who have shared joys and concerns during the worship service, by using the blue prayer cards, or through individual concerns specifically expressed to us. All prayer requests are kept confidential. […]
Christian Education Opportunity
It’s tempting to avoid a problem like climate change that does not seem to have solutions. How do we as followers of Jesus approach this topic? During the first four Sundays of March, Jennifer Schrock will lead an intergenerational discussion on climate change during the Christian Education Hour. We’ll listen to each other, take time […]
Volunteer and Nomination Forms
We’re grateful to have a congregation with people who volunteer and participate in many ways. An important part of our life at Berkey is selecting people to serve on commissions and other tasks in our congregational life.The Leadership Discernment Team (LDT) needs your help in filling out two forms. To do so, please click the […]
Lenten Jazz Vespers
Instead of having an Ash Wednesday service, this year we are having a penitential jazz vespers service on Sunday, March 17, at 4:00 p.m. This service will feature The Dean’s List, a jazz quartet consisting of Sonny Carreño (percussion), Danny Dean, (guitar), Randy Horst (bass), and Sam Que (saxophone). The spoken parts of the service […]
Berkey Volunteers for Help-A-House
LaCasa has announced the date for the 2019 Help-A-House event (May 11th). Berkey has a long-standing tradition of working on a project together for the event. If you have interest in participating, see the bulletin board by the mailboxes for more information and to sign-up. Contact Dale Snyder with any questions you might have.
Implementation of Welcome Statement
At Berkey, the church structure has two functions: a visioning function and a programming function. The Spiritual Leadership Team is primarily responsible for visioning, while the commissions and pastors are primarily responsible for programming. Now that the Welcome Statement has been approved, its implementation (and the implementation of the closely related goal of becoming more […]
Usage Meter Available
A power usage meter is now available for communal use. You will find it in the chair closet off of the foyer, hanging on the wall to the right of the door. Instructions and extra batteries are supplied. The meter measures how much electricity appliances are taking and calculates costs. Please sign it out using […]
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