Save the Date
Berkey is planning a church retreat at Amigo Centre, November 15-17. This will be a fun time for community and fellowship. You can look forward to: –Games and other inter-generational activities. –Outdoor activities. –General free time to explore the camp. –Talent show on Saturday night. Start planning your act now! Rooms in the retreat center […]
Getting To Know
Are there people at Berkey that you don’t know very well? Would you like to learn to know them better? Our newsletter (The Owl) is now sporting a new segment, Getting to Know. We hope that all adults will contribute a short paragraph about themselves to be published in the newsletter. Forms were distributed last […]
Lenten Jazz Vespers
Instead of having an Ash Wednesday service, this year we are having a penitential jazz vespers service on Sunday, March 17, at 4:00 p.m. This service will feature The Dean’s List, a jazz quartet consisting of Sonny Carreño (percussion), Danny Dean, (guitar), Randy Horst (bass), and Sam Que (saxophone). The spoken parts of the service […]
Guest Speaker on the Southern U.S. Boarder
On March 24, Bonnie Klassen, Mennonite Central Committee Area Representative for South America, Mexico and Cuba will be coming to Berkey, sharing compelling stories about MCC’s work south of the U.S. border. We will learn more about the roots of migration and how resourceful leaders and congregational partners of MCC in Mexico and South America […]
Youth Summer Camp Designated Fund
This is the 4th year for the Berkey Avenue Youth Summer Camp designated fund. This year 50+ youth from Berkey’s congregation are eligible to attend a week of summer camp at either Camp Friedenswald (grades 1 thru 12) or Camp Amigo (ages 4 thru 18). Last year 9 youth received assistance from this fund. A […]
Supporting Our Students at Bethany Christian Schools
We are currently collecting donations for the 2019-20 year for Berkey students who choose to attend Bethany Christian Schools. Further details will be available next week. However, we want to keep you informed that we are anticipating more participants than what we’ve had in the last few years. Please be in prayer for what you […]
Berkey Volunteers for Help-A-House
LaCasa has announced the date for the 2019 Help-A-House event (May 11th). Berkey has a long-standing tradition of working on a project together for the event. If you have interest in participating, see the bulletin board by the mailboxes for more information and to sign-up. Contact Dale Snyder with any questions you might have.
Usage Meter Available
A power usage meter is now available for communal use. You will find it in the chair closet off of the foyer, hanging on the wall to the right of the door. Instructions and extra batteries are supplied. The meter measures how much electricity appliances are taking and calculates costs. Please sign it out using […]
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