News Archives

Berkey Avenue Announcements
April 12, 2019

Congregational Sharing Time on Easter

During the Easter service, there will not be a time for personal sharing. However, Pastor Joanne Gallardo will provide a congregational prayer. If you have a prayer request, please let Joanne know before the service. Alternatively, send your notes of thanks, praise and prayer requests to the office by Thursday noon to be included in […]

April 12, 2019

Volunteer Sign-up Form for Bible School

Sign up now to volunteer during Vacation Bible School, June 10-14, 9:00 a.m.-11:30 a.m. You can access the online form here. We are in need of childcare, preschool teachers, family group leaders for grades kindergarten through 6th grade, drama participants, cookie bakers, “thank you” providers, and activity leaders for crafts, cultural awareness, recreation, and Biblical stories […]

April 12, 2019

Become a Stephen Minister: An Opportunity to Learn, Serve, and Grow

Stephen Ministers are members of Berkey who go through 50 hours of caregiving training and then provide one-on-one Christian emotional and spiritual support to people who are going through a difficult time, such as divorce, grief, hospitalization, unemployment, terminal illness, relocation, chronic illness, or loneliness. In order to continue and expand this ministry of care, […]

April 12, 2019

Garden Plots

Would you like a garden plot in Berkey’s Community Garden? If so, and you haven’t already requested a plot for this summer, contact Lowell Nafziger as soon as possible.

April 12, 2019

Battery Recycling

Do you have batteries at home to recycle? Please bring them to the church by April 28. Separate alkaline batteries from reusable batteries and put them in the appropriate containers in the doorway to Jubilee Hall. Put tape over the terminals of any battery larger than a nine-volt to avoid the risk of sparks. If […]

April 12, 2019


Dan Schrock will be on sabbatical and vacation from April 15 through August 31. Click here to see what he plans to do. If you have any questions, feel free to talk with him.

April 12, 2019

Lost & Found

Our Lost & Found collection is growing. Check out the table and shelf in the coatroom to see if anything is yours. There are many dishes and various cutlery pieces that you might be happy to find. Unclaimed items will soon be taken to The Depot.

April 5, 2019

Conversation with Elders

Berkey’s Spiritual Leadership Team (SLT), also known as the Elders, writes, “As a group of Elders here at Berkey we feel it is important for us to hear your ideas and concerns as we move forward to implement our shared goals as a faith community. So, Sunday, May 5, several of us will be available […]

April 5, 2019

Good Friday

All are invited to a Good Friday service at 7:00 p.m. on April 19. This contemplative service, “In the Shadows with Stones”, will include scripture readings, prayer and singing. Footwashing will also be offered. Come to remember Jesus’ passion and our participation in it.

April 5, 2019

Easter Breakfast and Worship

Join us Easter morning, April 21, as we will celebrate Jesus’ resurrection through sharing breakfast together (9:00 a.m.) and joining in worship (10:00 a.m.). If you would like to bring a dish  to share for Easter breakfast, please sign up through Perfect Potluck. (Username: Weaver. Password: Berkey. Event name: Easter Breakfast.) Please bring your dish by […]

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