Magazine Renewals
It is time to renew subscriptions to Rejoice! and Purpose and The Mennonite. Checks should be written out to Berkey Avenue Mennonite Fellowship and handed directly to Jenny Hooley or placed in the Office Manager’s mailbox (not the offering) by May 12. See prices and descriptions below: Rejoice! ($30.40): Nurture your soul through the quarterly […]
New to Our Library
Several new books have been added to the Berkey library: Everything Happens for a Reason, by Kate Bowler who is very sick, and no amount of positive thinking will shrink her tumors. What does it mean to die, she wonders, in a society that insists everything happens for a reason? Kate is stripped of this […]
Using our Copier/App Access
Berkey attenders are welcome to use the Kyocera copier in the office. Before you copy, make sure you understand copyright laws and be respectful of them. Several printing options are available to you: Bring a paper to scan. Email a request to the office. Send your request by Thursday noon for the Communications & Office Manager, Jenny […]
Berkey Prayer Circle
The Prayer Circle of three to five people meets routinely on Monday nights at 7:00 p.m. in the church offices. We pray for Berkey members who have shared joys and concerns during the worship service, by using the blue prayer cards, or through individual concerns specifically expressed to us. All prayer requests are kept confidential. […]
Funeral Planning
Did you know that Berkey provides Funeral Planning Forms? If you would like to fill one out, you will find it here. You may turn your completed form into the church office via the Office Manager’s mailbox. It will be kept safely in a file. When the time comes, the pastors and surviving family members will […]
Supporting Our Students at Bethany Christian Schools
In the coming academic year ten students from Berkey will be attending Bethany Christian Schools. To fully fund these ten students, we need $107,486.40, 20% of which ($21,497.28) will come from our congregation’s general fund. That means we need to receive above budget contributions of $85,989.12 into the Bethany Fund. We’ve already collected $58,437.40 into […]
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