News Archives

Berkey Avenue Announcements
May 10, 2019

Special Guests Next Sunday

Mennonite Central Committee’s International Volunteer Exchange Program (IVEP) is bringing a number of their participants to Berkey next Sunday, May 19, to spend the morning with us. The IVEPers are from many different countries, including Colombia, Mozambique, Tanzania, South Africa, Kenya, Laos, and Burkina Faso. They will begin the morning in worship with us. Then, […]

May 10, 2019

Congregational Potluck Meal & Meeting

On Sunday, May 19, everyone is invited to gather for the congregational meal and meeting following the nurture hour, 12:00 p.m. Bring a main dish and a salad or dessert to share, as well as your own table service. The meeting will begin after the meal. The updated agenda for the meeting includes: 1. Approve […]

May 10, 2019

Supporting Our Students at Bethany Christian Schools

Thank you to those who were able to generously give to the Bethany Fund. We have raised all the money needed for this coming academic year and a start for the following year. Your generosity demonstrates one way that we care for each other and for our Mennonite Schools. We anticipate that the number of […]

May 10, 2019

Bible School Sign-up

Online registration for Summer Bible School has begun. You can sign-up children, ages 4 years old through 6th grade, by clicking here. All child registration is online only. Bible School will be at College Mennonite Church, June 10-14, 9:00 a.m.-11:30 a.m.

May 10, 2019

Going through a Difficult Time?

In the comforting Psalm 23 it says, “Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for thou art with me;” Berkey’s Stephen Ministry is one way God provides that support. If you or someone you know is struggling with the loss of a loved one or […]

May 10, 2019

Magazine Renewals

This is the last Sunday to renew subscriptions at the group rate to Rejoice! and Purpose and The Mennonite. Checks should be written out to Berkey Avenue Mennonite Fellowship and handed directly to Jenny Hooley or placed in the Office Manager’s mailbox (not the offering) by this Sunday, May 12. See prices and descriptions below: […]

May 10, 2019

Jars, Vases and Kitchen Dishes

There are a number of dishes, jars, and vases on the kitchen counter. Please look to see if any of them belong to you. Many of the dishes were left here after the Easter breakfast. The jars and vases were returned to us from Deb Detwiler’s family.

May 10, 2019

Using our Copier/App Access

Berkey attenders are welcome to use the Kyocera copier in the office. Before you copy, make sure you understand copyright laws and be respectful of them. Several printing options available to you include: 1. Bring a paper to scan. 2. Email a request to the office. 3. Use a flash drive – You can plug […]

May 3, 2019

Supporting Our Students at Bethany Christian Schools

In the coming academic year, ten students from Berkey will be attending Bethany Christian Schools. Since we are in a shortfall situation to fully fund these students, the Stewardship and Finance Commission, in consultation with the Congregational Chairperson, has decided to extend the deadline for contributing to the 2019-2020 Bethany Fund by one week, to […]

May 3, 2019

Bible School Sign-up

Online registration for Summer Bible School has begun. You can sign-up children, ages 4 years old through 6th grade, by clicking here. All child registration is online only. Bible School will be at College Mennonite Church, June 10-14, 9:00 a.m.-11:30 a.m.

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