New to our Library
Four books have recently been added to the Berkey library:Addiction Nation: What the Opioid Crisis Reveals about Us, by Timothy McMahan King who ended up as millions of others have: addicted. King eventually learned to manage pain without opioids–but not before he began asking profound questions about the spiritual and moral nature of addiction, the […]
Summer Sunday School
Summer Sunday School begins this Sunday, June 9. You will have the choice of an input/discussion option in the sanctuary and an active option elsewhere. You will find the full schedule for the summer here. It is also posted on the bulletin board by the mailboxes. June 9 Class Options: Input/Discussion: “The Food We Were Born […]
Servant Leadership Ballot for 2019-2020
The Leadership Discernment Team (LDT): Mark Yoder, Ruth Miller Roth, Julie Zimmerman, Jonathan Neufeld, and Dan Schrock are pleased that the following persons have agreed to serve on our commissions and in other roles. We will vote to affirm these persons during the June 16 worship service. If you would like an absentee ballot, you will find it here; please […]
Financial Webpage
A “Financial Report” page is now located in the drop-down menu under the Resource tab of the Berkey website. On this page you will find monthly year-to-date reports on our spending and budget. The page is password protected. If you are an active participant of Berkey and would like to view the reports, you may request […]
My Coins Count
Keep bringing your quarters and other change/bills to church to help Mennonite Central Committee (MCC) provide clean water around the world. Coins add up. Each year, spare change collected by churches, children and families add up to more than $600,000 for MCC’s work. Learn more about the tubes in our fellowship hall used for collecting quarters. […]
Getting to Know Forms
Are you enjoying the Getting-to-Know segment, located in the right hand column of the newsletter? Enough forms have been submitted to cover three more weeks. But, we would love to hear from all adults! So, if you haven’t turned in your form yet, please do so soon. You may print the form here. When completed, please […]
New Photos
Summer vacation is a great time to take photos of yourself and of your family. Consider submitting one of those awesome photos to the office for use in the congregational directory. We’d love to see the most recent photos of you! Directory photos will be printed for the Getting to Know Board in the fellowship […]
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