News Archives

Berkey Avenue Announcements
July 5, 2019


Pastor Mark Schloneger will be on vacation July 9 – 12. If you have a pastoral emergency during this time, please contact Pastor Joanne Gallardo or a member of the Caregiving Commission.

July 5, 2019

Berkey Leadership Results

We’re grateful to report all 28 people nominated for leadership positions received high affirmation by the congregation with an overall 99% vote. The new appointments will begin in September. Thank you to all the new leaders joining our commissions and other roles this fall! – The Leadership Discernment Team (LDT) Mark Yoder, Ruth Miller Roth, […]

June 14, 2019

Vacation Bible School Report & Thank You

Thank you to all who assisted with Summer Bible School this year! We couldn’t have done it without you. We had 167 community children participate in the program; 29 Berkey children were blessed to participate. We had the help of 109 volunteers, of which 27 were from our Berkey family. It was an unforgettable, Spirit […]

June 14, 2019

Servant Leadership Ballot for 2019-2020

The Leadership Discernment Team (LDT): Mark Yoder, Ruth Miller Roth, Julie Zimmerman, Jonathan Neufeld, and Dan Schrock are pleased that the following persons have agreed to serve on our commissions and in other roles. We will vote to affirm these persons this Sunday, June 16, during the worship service. If you would like an absentee ballot, you will find it […]

June 14, 2019

My Coins Count

Keep bringing your quarters and other change/bills to church to help Mennonite Central Committee (MCC) provide clean water around the world. Coins add up. Each year, spare change collected by churches, children and families add up to more than $600,000 for MCC’s work. Learn more about the tubes in our fellowship hall used for collecting quarters. […]

June 14, 2019

Jenny Hooley on Vacation

Communications & Office Manager, Jenny Hooley, is on vacation from June 17 – 28. While she is gone, Jenny Yoder will be doing a few office tasks, such as newsletter and bulletin. If there are any special requests for the office that are not time sensitive, please wait until Jenny Hooley returns. Deadline reminders: Bulletin […]

June 14, 2019

Summer Sunday School

During Summer Sunday School, you will have the choice of  an input/discussion option in the sanctuary and an active option elsewhere. You will find the full schedule for the summer here. It is also posted on the bulletin board by the mailboxes. June 16 Class Options: Input/Discussion: “Exchanging God’s Grace with Strangers,” led by Susan Garboden. […]

June 14, 2019

Volunteer Appreciation for Interfaith Hospitality Network (IHN)

IHN Volunteers: Don’t forget to redeem the coupons for free pretzels, drinks, pastries and popcorn that you found in your mailboxes this past Sunday! Just go downtown on Saturday, June 15, between 10:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. to the participating vendors and enjoy! IHN is very grateful for every volunteer and wants to show their […]

June 14, 2019

Save the Date

Berkey will be hosting a blood drive for American Red Cross on Friday, September 6, 12:00 – 6:00 p.m. Donating Blood makes a big difference in the lives of others. So whether you are a regular donor or this is your first time, we hope you will participate in the drive. More details and sign-up […]

June 14, 2019

Note from Joanne

Joanne Gallardo will be gone June 9 – 15, participating as a Fellow in the Engle Institute of Preaching at Princeton Theological Seminary. She will return to the office on June 18.

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