Berkey Blood Drive
Berkey is hosting a blood drive for American Red Cross on September 6, 12:00 – 6:00 p.m. in the fellowship hall. You may schedule your appointment now by visiting the American Red Cross website, calling Red Cross (1-800-733-2367), or by contacting Jenny Hooley in the office. Many people in our community, including members of our church, […]
Adult Sunday School Classes
Sunday School classes for adults resume this Sunday and there are many options for you to choose from. We hope you will join us. Fall Quarter Adult Class Options: Death and Dying class – Sanctuary. This quarter-long elective will cover topics such as our theology of the afterlife, grief, end of life decisions and funeral planning. […]
Cheese Booth Sign-up
We welcome back Dan Schrock. Dan was on Sabbatical/Vacation since April 15 and will return to the office next week. Before leaving on sabbatical, Dan created a plan. You may read about his plans here. The Relief Sale is around the corner and it’s time for us to sign up to staff the cheese booth. We […]
Beginning this Sunday, September 1, we will once again staff the nursery with volunteers. Because of the age range of Berkey kids, infants through three year olds will now be in the nursery together. Age four and older are encouraged to remain in the sanctuary with their parents and enjoy activities located in the bookcase in […]
Printed Church Directory & Update Requests
Check out your listing today in the church directory and let the office know if you have any corrections or updates, including a new photo. If you would like a pdf or printed copy of the directory, you may sign-up through this Google Form or contact Jenny in the office. Please turn in all updates and requests […]
Stay Connected
All regular attenders are encouraged to have an online account with Instant Church Directory. If you do not have an account you will need to follow the “create login” tab. You may do so on your desktop or get the free app for your phone or tablet. The app is convenient and provides optimal connectivity […]
Berkey Prayer Circle
The Prayer Circle will not be meeting this Monday, September 2. However, the group of three to five people normally meets routinely on Monday nights at 7:00 p.m. in the church offices. We pray for Berkey members who have shared joys and concerns during the worship service, by using the blue prayer cards, or through […]
New Custodian
Stewardship & Finance Commission is pleased to announce that Lydia Martin has agreed to fill the church role of Custodian, previously held by Grant Miller. Lydia was previously serving as our substitute custodian. This means we now have an opening for a substitute custodian. Please contact Dale Snyder of Stewardship & Finance if you have […]
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